Post PAX Depression


Well-Known Member
Seems silly that such a thing would exist, right? Well it does.

It may not be a medical condition, but I am sure feeling it.

My PPD is a result of the awesome 4 days I had with Team9000 at PAX East 2013. 2x better than PAX East 2012. Then suddenly being dragged back into mediocrity. Not saying my life sucks, but PAX was fucking awesome, and not only was it awesome, it was 4 days straight of awesome. I got close to Bracabrad (like brotherly close), and I was deeply saddened when he had to go home. This mixed with some whack shit happening at work just dropped me into depression.

So much so, I have almost no will to do anything. I miss the laughs, I miss the drunk giggities, I miss everything. Sure, it'll be around in a year, and this depression will wear off in a few days, but it all still sucks.

My wife (evielegend) is helping me through it all, but I miss all you guys! I can't wait to see you next year, and hopefully an awesome year of games will be had.

PPD sucks! If anyone else is going through it, comment below. If you have anything intelligent to say, you may also comment below. I'm not really emotionally stable enough to deal with the trolling. Sounds whiny and you may want to call the whambulance on me right now, but that's just the way it is. :|

Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
Though not PPD, I do wish I could have made it this year. It looks like a lot of fun was had by all.

This is kind of off-topic, but it is a little therapeutic: I like to goto other gaming sites and browse their PAX East pictures and try to find any where there's someone with a T9k shirt/hoodie in the background. So far, I haven't found any. I digress...

I think the only solution to this problem is that we need to attend more expos/cons each year, rather than just one.
Though not PPD, I do wish I could have made it this year. It looks like a lot of fun was had by all.

This is kind of off-topic, but it is a little therapeutic: I like to goto other gaming sites and browse their PAX East pictures and try to find any where there's someone with a T9k shirt/hoodie in the background. So far, I haven't found any. I digress...

I think the only solution to this problem is that we need to attend more expos/cons each year, rather than just one.

I'm hoping to attend Prime. One of these years I will attend E3.
once i'm back in Missoula I'll be going through that, plus the visiting family and having a blast everywhere i'm vacationing through depression. (currently sitting at the airport typing this while waiting for my two-part flight to Seattle)

On the plus side, hopefully a sunny point, going to try and make it myself next year. :thumbsup:
Got home went to bed got up the next day and said to myself. "where the hell am I?" Aside from some "the fuck?!" moments while traveling it was a blast. Now to finish putting everything away and up and also to get back to putting my pennies in a head lock for next year.

Gonna be at work 16 hours today starting 15 minutes ago.
Since Spring Break is next week every single one of my teachers all went "Oh shit we need to hurry up!" So I have had a horrible post-PAX week.
I hate my life, I hate being here in a podunk little town where most people hate me, and I'm wasting my life taking care of someone who does not seem to appreciate it. I'm always depressed, but after such an amazing 4 days at PAX, I'm even more depressed. I want my real family back, I want to go back and continue to be carefree and happy. I mean, legitimately happy. I never get that. This past weekend was absolutely, hands down, the best 4 days of my life. I can't wait for next year.. where PAX is on my birthday :D
PAX Prime is a great mid year therapy for this. Sure not everyone will be there, but it is damn close :)

Make it Jerzey, you have to now.
I had a great time hanging out with such great people that I've known for years now on this little ol' website. It was truly an honor to share a couple drinks/laughs/stories/etc. with some of the best friends anyone can find on the interwebs, you all are sorely missed by me and I'm already trying to scrounge up plans for next year's PAX East (the misses shall be coming in tow :).)

I also must admit I miss the cityscape of Boston, it was freaking awesome walking around with a great tour guide (Colby was fucking awesome Crane!!!) and seeing a lot of the history of such a great place. Speaking of which, turns out we do have a Dim Sum place around here that I'm totally taking the misses to :D.

Miss y'all,