Post your Skyrim Characters.


Active Member
Yeah, i'm getting into this game again. I'd also like to have a sliver of hope that not everyone's character is Anime Demon thing with massive tits. So yeah.
Post screenshots of your Skyrim characters if you play-
Ma'Kiisha the Thrifty
Since I don't have it on PC, and don't want a shitty picture of my TV, I'll just give a description.

I got a picture of Three Dog from Fallout 3, and tried to remake him in Skyrim.
Called him The Dog.

Sounds like a really bad rappers name, I know. I wish I just named the profile Three Dog.
I recently got back into play Skyrim, made a new character but realized how incredibly lazy I was, so I just went back to my previous character. He still looks the exact same from the last time I posted a picture of him in the last skyrim thread.

Well when I started playing the game, I made a khajit or whatever the fuck it's spelled, because I thought it looked hilarious. After seriously deforming it's face for 10 minutes I went on to kick some ass. Well then I realized the introduction was too damn long I turned off my xbox, and the disc has never been in my xbox since.
Anyone on my Steam friends list knows I play this game all the time. Needless to say, I have to post here.

I have two characters I'm currently using, a Breton:

and a Lunari (Modded race):

And I had a Dunmer that I used a while ago, but his save files are all borked up and prone to random CTDs. He was pretty badass, though.
Here's mine.. Don't know how to take a front view with my dual swords :(
Also, character is a Dark Elf.

I have a male Argonian named Noburu

(I need a better one. This one is really dark. Looked brighter before the jpg shift. I will get a new one.)

and a female Nord named Sariel.

so this is my pc skyrim character and whenever I visit my friend Ill take a pic of my ps3 character
I fully intend for my pc character to become an assassin type but I don't play skyrim enough on the pc
if I upgrade to a gaming rig my character will look loads better