

Well-Known Member
Hey just wanted share this, http://raptr.com/
Basically its like an instant messanger thing for games to see who is playing what game. Pretty neat and fancy in the pancy. You can link your steam, xbox tree saxty, ps3, xfire, etc. accounts to it. Riein is my name on it.
ar .. first comment in this post lol

the ''thing'' you provided in the website is not necessary to me to use . Why you want to know what your friends are playing what game ?
Raptr was fun for a bit but then it kinda got annoying with the amount of messages it would send out over my twitter everytime I switch games or something. But it was fun while it lasted.
I am bumping this because Raptr has made some HUGE improvements, and I personally think it has a lot of potential, especially for this community. We can track our games through steam, but this lets us know who is playing what, regardless of the system.