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Rasmu1996 Sprite gallery


I thought that I, at somepoint , I would like to go back and watch my previous sprites ,so why not make a forum?

In here I shall ( obviously) upload new sprites i make both on T9K Classic and in Minecraft SP, also feel free to comment if you have any idea of something you would like me to make a sprite of and i´ll do what i can to make it :D

These are the sprites i´ve made so far :D screenshot_20120217175922.png screenshot_20120216165215.png screenshot_20120220121130.png screenshot_20120220121151.png screenshot_20120220121201.png

Oh, and also, feel free to upload any sprites you´ve done:thumbsup:
just telling you that i shall begin on Megan Fox sprite now, havent started yet cause i whas working on this :D

A scene from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the past
also Brantbren , I´ll try to make Zoidberg after Megan Fox
Note bout the Megan Fox sprite: i shall only make the sprite from shoulders and up as it would take to much time otherwise, may make the rest of the body but dont know when i´ll do that.
Note bout the Megan Fox sprite: i shall only make the sprite from shoulders and up as it would take to much time otherwise, may make the rest of the body but dont know when i´ll do that.

Shoulders up? But you'd be leaving out the best bits. :(