recruit from PAX East


New Member
Hello everyone!

I met a bunch of the Team 9000 members at the Yankee Lobster restaurant at PAX East this year. All of you were really friendly and I completely forgot about the website until I found my PAX badge that I pinned the button you all gave me to my lanyard. If any of you remember meeting me please respond, I would enjoy playing games with you.

Were ya with the last group that left the restaurant? Sorry I vaguely remember that night :D.
Hello everyone!

I met a bunch of the Team 9000 members at the Yankee Lobster restaurant at PAX East this year. All of you were really friendly and I completely forgot about the website until I found my PAX badge that I pinned the button you all gave me to my lanyard. If any of you remember meeting me please respond, I would enjoy playing games with you.


I suggest you come join our mumble live chat server at Instructions for downloading and joining our mumble server can be found here.

Most of the people you met at PAX are on mumble daily. There will be people chatting, playing games and having fun at all hours of the day. What games do you like to play? The most popular games we play from my experience are tf2, borderlands 2, terraria, the ship, league of legends, killing floor, garry's mod, and planetside 2.
Yes, I was with that group. we were the group from West Virginia. There were three of us.
Yep I remember you guys (I'm the derp with the black beret that night :D), well welcome to the party! Stratadon really summed up a good bit of what we do around here, but it's that and so much more :P.
Welcome! Glad a few thousand buttons digested into 1 PAX East transplant ;-) But yus, welcome to the fun here...What they said up there...I don't think I met you as I was busy playing tour guide that evening, but I'm glad to see you swung by!
Hey Ozy, you were the guy that I talked to the most at the restaurant. I just saw in my phone the other day where I made of note of your forum name. I've been doing alright. My friends are all good too. The teaching thing is going really well but would be even better if I could get on full-time somewhere.
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Reactions: Ozy
hullo there codey and welcome to the forums! Like the others have said I highly recommend getting mumble so you can chat with the members of the community, join in game nights, talk about awesome stuff like space and boobs, and in general have fun!
hullo there codey and welcome to the forums! Like the others have said I highly recommend getting mumble so you can chat with the members of the community, join in game nights, talk about awesome stuff like space and boobs, and in general have fun!
Just a little bit late Ek.