Research Project


Active Member
I feel that this is too big for the "Homework thread" so I've decided that it would be better to create a thread simply for this.

I've been asked to write a questionnaire for my research project and I would appreciate if you guys could help.

For my research project I have chosen to base my study around the gaming franchise Final Fantasy, after being accepted into the FFXIII: ARR beta, my interests for my project was highlighted massively by the outstanding amount of information that would be an exciting and yet satisfying choice.
Using this as my research project I will be able to develop even more of an understanding regarding the Final Fantasy series.

1) What is your favourite Final Fantasy game?

2) Which was the first Final Fantasy that you played?

3) What was your most challenging experience in Final Fantasy?

4) How does Final Fantasy make you feel?

5) Do you feel the music forms an important part of the game?

6) What was your saddest moment from Final Fantasy?

7) Favourite character and villain?

8) In your opinion, what do you think of the graphics since 1987?

9) What is your opinion of the franchise?

10) Do you prefer time based or turn based gameplay?

11) What would you rate Final Fantasy? 1-10

Everyones answers will be taken into consideration as the due date is on the 24th.
Thanks guys.
I'm hoping you will take my answers into consideration...........

1) FF6

2) FF4

3) Pretty much every boss fight in FF6

4) Challenged but satisfied.

5) The music is a very important part of the game and the composer, Nobuo Uematsu, is one of the greatest composers of our time

6) The backstory of Terra on FF6

7) Character - Terra
Villain - Gestahl

8) Square-Enix have made massive improvements in graphical quality over the years since FF7 but there is still too much emphasis placed on it compared with story and gamplay improvements.

9) Quite a good franchise but has been struggling with storylines and new ideas in later games

10) Turn-based

11) 7.5

Suggestion: Use Google Docs to make a survey form that way you can collect the answers easier than on a forum. If you want I can make it for you.

Edit: I forgot, he has me ignored still......can someone post my answers and my suggestion so he can see them please.
1) Final Fantasy VII.

2) Final Fantasy IV.

3) Final Fantasy IV, for some odd reason I found it to be a very challenging game.

4) Extremely Pissed off but incredibly happy.

5) Yes. An example can be found in the way Sephiroth's theme elevates the sections it's used into another level.

6) The disappointing mess that is Lightning Returns story.

7) Lightning and a tie between Sephiroth/Caius

8) They've improved exponentially, however as Mcfar has stated, the price of this is that the story has suffered in the latest iterations.

9) It's had it's ups and downs.

10) Time Based.

11) 9.
1) FF6

2) FF4

3) Pretty much every boss fight in FF6

4) Challenged but satisfied.

5) The music is a very important part of the game and the composer, Nobuo Uematsu, is one of the greatest composers of our time

6) The backstory of Terra on FF6

7) Character - Terra
Villain - Gestahl

8) Square-Enix have made massive improvements in graphical quality over the years since FF7 but there is still too much emphasis placed on it compared with story and gamplay improvements.

9) Quite a good franchise but has been struggling with storylines and new ideas in later games

10) Turn-based

11) 7.5
1) FF6

2) FF4

3) Pretty much every boss fight in FF6

4) Challenged but satisfied.

5) The music is a very important part of the game and the composer, Nobuo Uematsu, is one of the greatest composers of our time

6) The backstory of Terra on FF6

7) Character - Terra
Villain - Gestahl

8) Square-Enix have made massive improvements in graphical quality over the years since FF7 but there is still too much emphasis placed on it compared with story and gamplay improvements.

9) Quite a good franchise but has been struggling with storylines and new ideas in later games

10) Turn-based

11) 7.5
Thanks :)
1) What is your favourite Final Fantasy game?Final Fintasy VII

2) Which was the first Final Fantasy that you played?Final Fantasy VII

3) What was your most challenging experience in Final Fantasy?Playing Final Fantasy VIII

4) How does Final Fantasy make you feel?Seems a bit loaded of a question. Some games made feel pretty good, others I was really let-down (Final Fantasy XIII)

5) Do you feel the music forms an important part of the game?It can. It can set the mood for the game, especially since it wasn't until the last couple of iterations that there has been voice acting. Otherwise it's reading text and listening to the game.

6) What was your saddest moment from Final Fantasy?Areith...

7) Favourite character and villain?My favorite character would probably be Steiner from FF IX. Favorite villain...cliche, but Sephiroth.

8) In your opinion, what do you think of the graphics since 1987?Obviously the graphics have improved substantially. I am not sure how much I like the character deisgn in the newer games, but I LOVE how many colors and details are put into the environments.

9) What is your opinion of the franchise?It needs something new. FF XIII-3 Lightening Returns: Once More: But For Good This Time is old news. I'd like to see a different Final Fantasy (ala the throw-back to the oringal art stlye in FF IX).

10) Do you prefer time based or turn based gameplay?Turn-based. Always go for turn-based.

11) What would you rate Final Fantasy? The entire series? Uhh... hmm... threeve. Seriously, I couldn't begin to give the whole series a quantifiable number. I've not played all of the games, and each one varied in success. I suppose I could give the series a 8.5, simply because the first Final Fantasy was called that since Square would have gone out of business if the game didn't succeed. The title is kind of oxymoronic now. Oxymorons are a solid 7 in my book. The extra 1.5 score is because the few games I've played in the series have been more-or-less good.

I thought a survey is supposed to have questions with answers that are quantifiable, so you can extrapolate the data into a graph or formula to find answers to your overall theory/question. I'm not sure what your goal is in this survey, but best of luck, and I hope my answers were of some help.