Retirement from TF2 Trading


Active Member
So, seeing as it's a game I hardly play anymore and I've begun to care less and less about my items, i'm going to take this time to let all the TF2 players know I am done with trading. As such, I am seeking to sell some (Read: Some) of my items for keys that I can then sell on Steam Market. Direct your attention here to view my backpack. Items that will not be sold are any named item (Ask before assuming I won't sell it, I've got so many I am not even sure which I wanna keep), my Bill's hat, and probably some other items i'll pull out of my ass when you ask. So yeah, post here or talk to me on Steam.
Damn man I was I could get some of those items.
Too bad almost all my wealth is tied into a single unusual I won in a contest.