Scottish independence


Active Member
this thread is about your views on the independence of Scotland, we are all entitled to views but countries in the immediate-ish vicinity of the UK are more entitled due to the fact that when Ireland did a similar thing America got to involved and apparently was a cause of the IRA (no offence meant)

i think that Scotland should stay part of the UK because it would break the queen's heart, also it would be a lot of bother to change passports, get new currency etc etc
Hey; just can we tried to annex Canada a few times ....... From what I've seen the main unrecognized challenge for Scotland is that independently their GDP is much smaller on their own and would likely have huge impacts on the costs of living, wages, etc.
Disclaimer: Uneducated opinions/thoughts below

No idea about the overall state of anything in this region, but can Scotland's economy survive this shift?

Can't use the Euro

Can't use the pound.

Low population... They have to wait 14 years to join the EU...

I don't think that they'll end up voting to secede.
I have no other opinion on this.
Gonna go ahead and blame spell check for that one. I knew I horribly mispelled it, so I just rightclicked and went with the first option without paying attention.

I don't think the Scottish will succeed in seceding. :rolleyes:
I have a British kid on my team. I'll ask him what he thinks. I don't really have an opinion on the subject, other than the fact that I think states/provinces should have the right to secede if they wish.
All I know is that as a third-generation Scottish-American, (and knowing my clan's history) it doesn't matter one way or the other. The Elliott's were assholes to both sides :)
How I answer any question about a country I am not part of: What do the people want?

There is your answer. Democracy is the voice of the people and what the people want is law. I can have whatever opinion I want but in the end that is what happens. I try to keep my opinions to myself when it comes to other countries. I am not a person in Scotland, I have never been to Scotland, I may be Scottish but, I am not my ancestors.