Shootmania Storm


Well-Known Member
Ubisoft just released a trailer for the upcoming game by Trackmania devs, Nadeo

Personally, I think it looks like a game centred around the same havoc and competitive fun that makes Trackmania so awesome.

What are your thoughts?
You found a newer game I haven't heard of. I'm impressed.

Even without having seen gameplay I must say I'm liking it. The concept is interesting. I like the intensity and speed at witch the fights take place. It reminds me of Tribes Ascend except with more jumpy jumpy. The 1-hit-kill idea could work well with the speed at witch the players are moving. Trying to land one of those blasts could be tricky and you wouldn't want to have to do it multiple times just to nab one kill either. This is why I usually just go for the flag in Tribes since I suck at getting kills.

Great soundtrack too.

EDIT: Oh. The soundtrack was by The Crystal Method. That's why it's awesome.
You found a newer game I haven't heard of. I'm impressed.

Even without having seen gameplay I must say I'm liking it. The concept is interesting. I like the intensity and speed at witch the fights take place. It reminds me of Tribes Ascend accept with more jumpy jumpy. The 1-hit-kill idea could work well with the speed at witch the players are moving. Trying to land one of those blasts could be tricky and you wouldn't want to have to do it multiplier times just to nab one kill either. This is why I usually just go for the flag in Tribes since I suck at getting kills.

Great soundtrack too.

I agree that the 1-hit kills will work with the fast paced gameplay but I hope that they don't make every weapon a on-hit weapon as that would ruin some of the skill that people would want to try. Maybe throwing in a machine gun or something just to balance it all out.

I like the jumping aspect and I love what seems to be large maps too.

Also yes....the soundtrack is awesome!
Seems like a really fair version of tribes ascend. Fast paced, 1 hit kill, not a stupid low or fast fire rate from what I can tell. Bullet speed seems to be decently fast, awesome soundtrack, and great graphics. I like.
I agree that the 1-hit kills will work with the fast paced gameplay but I hope that they don't make every weapon a on-hit weapon as that would ruin some of the skill that people would want to try. Maybe throwing in a machine gun or something just to balance it all out.

I like the jumping aspect and I love what seems to be large maps too.

Also yes....the soundtrack is awesome!

I also enjoy the idea of only having 1 weapon. Sometimes I think the variety is unnecessary.

Seems like a really fair version of tribes ascend. Fast paced, 1 hit kill, not a stupid low or fast fire rate from what I can tell. Bullet speed seems to be decently fast, awesome soundtrack, and great graphics. I like.

If you like Pendulum. You'll like The Crystal Method. I'd further suggest you check out The Prodigy. They are fantastic.
I'm going to revive this thread again. I never ended up participated in the Beta, however Shootmania came out today and I decided to give it a try. Currently, at least for me, the game is unplayable online. For some reason my ping won't get out of the thousands. I expected to have some latency issues, seeing as how the game just came out. But I didn't think it would be totally unplayable online. Offline I run the game fine, so it isn't my computer that is the issue. And I can play online games like Dota 2 with very minimal lag. If anyone knows of any sort of fix for this, besides maybe time for the servers to be sorted out then I would greatly appreciate it.

Unfortunately, those are my fist impressions of the game. I am really excited to be able to play the game soon. So if you are planning to get Shootmania, then I would keep in mind that you may not be able to play it right away.