Show off your PC build thread


Well-Known Member
Closest thread I could come to this was the PC Master race and a assload of isolated pc problem threads so to centralize those who have completed their PC build and wish to show it off, lay it here.

For me, I just built my ultimate gaming pc last night. Finally got the holy grail of processors,


Beautiful cable management

Hack-job on the desk to get better ventilation

The battlefield after a build

Here's a breakdown of everything currently for my build.

Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core

CPU Cooler
Corsair H60 54.0 CFM Liquid

Asus Z97-A ATX LGA1150

Corsair 4GB (1 x 4GB) DDR3-1333
Corsair 4GB (1 x 4GB) DDR3-1333
Corsair 4GB (1 x 4GB) DDR3-1333
Corsair 4GB (1 x 4GB) DDR3-1333

Seagate Barracuda Green 2TB 3.5" 5900RPM
Seagate Barracuda 3TB 3.5" 7200RPM

Video Card

Power Supply
Corsair 650W ATX12V / EPS12V

Operating System
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (OEM) (64-bit)

Acer 27.0"

My nice setup

Soon to get a new desk and room and setup so hopefully it'll look a lot nicer in the future.
1.) Nice processor, I'm jelly.

2.) TERRIBLE cable management.


4.) TIL I learned they don't make 760 Ti, should have gotten 770 (best bang per buck).

5.) All this niceness, and you didn't get yourself a new mouse pad.

8/10 would take out on second date.
2.) TERRIBLE cable management.
I'm moving soon and with that will be getting a new desk and everything and plan to make the cables look so good you can't see them.

I know, but it works. Might upgrade way later but so far I'm content.
4.) TIL I learned they don't make 760 Ti, should have gotten 770 (best bang per buck).
That's my only regret when getting that. Still better then what I had before. (AMD Radeon 6770) Actually I'm pretty sure this was on sale/had a good deal from what I bought it off of which is why I got it.

5.) All this niceness, and you didn't get yourself a new mouse pad.
In the mail right now, along with my new headset cord so I'm not using the mic from 95'.
My first FULL build (all new parts):


Core i7 2700k
16GB DDR3 2133
AsRock Extreme6 Gen 3 Mobo
2 x 60GB SSDs in Raid 0
5TB HDD (collectively)
2 x GTX 560Ti 448-Core Classified Ultras (board also had two full x16 PCIe lanes)

This machine was my baby, she ran like a bat out of hell, and was beating machines with much higher hardware. This was my masterpiece, every part of this machine worked extremely well and used maximum bandwidth. The two 560s were 256-bit vs 128 and the board had two x16 lanes in SLi. The two 60GB SSDs gave me 1GB/s of read and write over SATA 3. I miss it so much. Only cost me $1720 to build. I sold it for $1500 to get a car about 3 years ago.

My second machine (not built, traded laptop for it):

When I first got it:

When I did some cable management:

I don't have a recent picture, but it doesn't have those twin 6970s. It now has two 660 Ti Power Editions.

Core i5 2500k
AsRock Extreme3 Gen3
8GB DDR3 1600 (not by choice)
75GB Raptor
1TB Seagate
2 x GTX 660Ti Power Edition
3 x Dell 21" LCDs

This machine is good, I sacrificed 8GB for my brother, and I need to get some faster memory. This tax season I'd like to build another brand new machine. However, this machine holds me down.
Wat. It's some James Bond documentary. Don't think BBC would even carry that garbage.

Lol, ok, I couldn't tell what channel was on, just looked like something from the History channel. Also, how does SC play on it so far (If you have made it that far yet)?
Lol, ok, I couldn't tell what channel was on, just looked like something from the History channel. Also, how does SC play on it so far (If you have made it that far yet)?
Gonna check that out later today alongside a few other games.
So, who has two thumbs and is thinking/planning on building his own gaming computer? This guy. I've talked about it a few months ago when I was employed, but had to stop when the restaurant shut down unexpectedly. Now I have a job again, I can think about it again! :D

I've got a couple parts already, but here's my list of what else I'm gonna get.

Click ME to laugh at Kilted's Poorness.
I am amused that the GPU costs more than the CPU.
Still, that i3 processor made the high-end list on PassMark CPU benchmarks. I wonder if the high clockspeed has anything to do with that.

I mean, you can get a cheaper GPU, but the 750Ti is actually pretty badass. Nvidia pushed that shit everywhere at PAX. They claim it is as powerful as a 480 was when they were released.

The non-Ti is really cheap, and doesn't need external power. I recommend the NonTi 750 if you have a non-gaming prebuilt PC as it runs of a 250W PSU.

