SimCity Alternative


Well-Known Member
Mad about paying that money for SimCity because you can't play it because their servers are down? Fret not! A Kickstarter campaign has begun for a game called "Civitas." The game is supposed to be DRM-free, and have single-player offline and multiplayer online modes. The Kickstarter page states that the game will be "highly moddable," and allow you to terraform the landscape in ways not fathomable in SimCity. For a pledge of as low as $15 USD, you can purchase a digital download copy of the game and have your name included in the credits. If you're feeling super-generous, you can pledge $55 USD and get three digital copies of the game, plus three Beta keys, plus three names included in the credits of the game. Oh, and you don't have to go through Origin to play it!

It's sad that a majorly anticipated game is ruined so horribly (fuck you ea) people have to make alt. games to enjoy a similar experience..

It's sad that a company has to exploit SimCity's launch difficulties just to garner attention and funding.

BTW, SimCity (when it is running) is awesome.
It's sad that a company has to exploit SimCity's launch difficulties just to garner attention and funding.

BTW, SimCity (when it is running) is awesome.
Oh hey, I hear EA is launching some new DLC next week for only $10 called SimCity - It Works Now and We Didn't Have To Disable Any Additional Game Features To Do It.

Why is it sad for a company to point out all the poor decisions EA made with the newest SimCity that they do with every game release any more? I guess you could call it "exploiting", but last I heard, pretty much every company points out their competitors faults and why they offer a better product. What better way than the beyond dismal failure of EA's launch? I mean seriously, in this day and age, after countless big title launches, how the FUCK do you not get that right? They've had beta running for how long to get an idea of player base size, not to mention pre-orders, etc?

What happens to the folks like me who don't give a rats ass about multi-player SimCity? Sure, some of the features might be cool once in awhile, but why should I be forced into it? Why do they have to make EVERYTHING multi-player and/or online based? Perhaps they feel as though they've spent so much time and money on the development of the slow, monolithic, corn-laden turd that is Origin, that everybody should share in the experience. The worst part is that in a year or two, they'll likely release a new version that adds one or two new features and shortly thereafter turn off the SimCity 5 servers due to "decreased playerbase", at which point the game is no longer playable.
It's sad that a company has to exploit SimCity's launch difficulties just to garner attention and funding.

BTW, SimCity (when it is running) is awesome.
That's just a part of business. When one company fails, another can swoop in behind it and get more attention for doing the very thing the previous company said it would do, but didn't/couldn't.

Well yeah, you should do your homework before you buy anything. Caveat Emptor. I think this game still deserves some attention, whether it's legit or fake isn't my call. There have been plenty of other Kickstarters that have been funded and backers either never got a product, or have yet to get one, and have lost that money. That's the hazard of investing in something; If the idea fails, you are out whatever you put into it without much recourse to get it back.

I personally haven't put any money into the kickstarter, because I want to see some more info up there, but I thought that others might be interested.