Smeroth is back in the house

Nice to hear from you.

I haven't had the pleasure to meet you. I'm Vorsprung (I'm fairly new). Good to see you're back.
Hooray Swedish people! Är du 94:a eller 95:a och vilken del äru från i svea riket? :) Anyways, welcome back!


I gotta go to Sweden...
Things have been going up and down. Haven't had time for anything. Just thought I'd say this, as I felt pretty bad while reading your comments.

Yukyduky, I'm "95a", living in Västmanland. Goes to school in Västerås, but I live a few miles away from there.

Things happen, I know how it goes \_:)_/
Hey, welcome back. While you were gone, these forums were blown up by terrorists, and then Super-Woot fly around and rebuilt everything his his Wootalyzing vision.