So, a town with less than 8,500 people has better internet than you...and they're paying less for it


Well-Known Member
So a small town of roughly 8,200 people is getting a 1Gbps fibre trunk line, one of the first in Canada, let alone Alberta.

Ladies and Gentlenerds, I give you....Olds, Alberta.
The town has (at last census) 8,235 residents, and occupies an area of 14.87 square kilometers.

It's tiny. You could walk across it in less time than it takes me to drive to work in the morning.

And they're only going to be paying $57/month for that fibre network.

I'm moving back to the countryside.
Apparently the area I live in will be getting the fastest internet in the united states. This pleases me.
When you think of Vermont, fast internet doesn't come to mind. But this article, and I heard it on the radio the other day, proves it. I live in Saxtons River btw.

| the fastest consumer connection to the Internet anywhere in the United States...
| except for a pilot project by Google.

The fastest anywhere! Except not actually faster than any of these.
Gigabit is still awesome though!
There are two towns here in NC that are getting gigabit internet installed. I think both of them are saying users will get 1 Gigabit down when completed. I don't know how much the users will have to pay for it, though.
its funny im 1 and a half hours from kansas city and 1 hour from topeka, and yet nothing in the works about Gigabit, kinda... kinda pissed off right now