Some Maths, yo


Well-Known Member
Just a moment ago, I noticed there have been 309797 messages posted on these forums by 18029 members. If you crunch some numbers, you (for some reason) get 6%. That means that we only account for 6% of the messages posted on these forums. Who does the other 94%?

Also, of those 309797 messages, I personally, am responsible for about 1% of those. When you think about it, that's kind of substantial. Not as substantial as some people who account for about 3% of the messages. There's one person who makes up for about 4% of the posts. And then this guy is a slacker and only makes up about 0.1% of the posts on this site. And you people let him goto PAX on your dime.

Anyways, I hope someone finds this kind of interesting, and maybe makes something actually useful out of this (maybe a graph? Everyone loves graphs).

What percentage of posts do you account for?
Naw, dude. That's the same for the entire world. There's this world wealth calculator you can use to determine how wealthy you are, compared to the rest of the world. According to the site, I'm richer than about 6.2billion other people on the planet. In any case, the whole "99%" argument seems pretty petty and meaningles when compared to the rest of the planet.

Some other T9k stats: about 100% of members currently enrolled in the site are awesome. Also, when asked what their favorite made up number is, about fortyteen percent polled answered "threeve."
I was bored, and at one point tried to see if I could make a graph of people based on who follows who (then apply a force-directed graph simulation thing to make it look nice). I was sort of able to get data for it, but I couldn't find a way to get it in an automated way (ie without going to each individual user's profile), so I gave up.
If I ate for free everyday instead of having to pay $7 a day roughly for lunch and din din I'd save $2492 a year.

If I smoke a pack every week that's like $12, I'd waste $624 a year. (But i think a pack would cost $24)

How do you survive on $7 a day on food in Australia? The answer will rustle your jimmies.
I was bored, and at one point tried to see if I could make a graph of people based on who follows who (then apply a force-directed graph simulation thing to make it look nice). I was sort of able to get data for it, but I couldn't find a way to get it in an automated way (ie without going to each individual user's profile), so I gave up.

I was thinking about doing something with the average of who follows who, but ran into similar issues. I suppose if I'm SUPER BORED one night I might tackle this. But, I have so many other things I need to tackle and haven't even begun tackling them. Maybe I should ask someone to help with some of this tackling.

Just a moment ago, I noticed there have been 309797 messages posted on these forums by 18029 members. If you crunch some numbers, you (for some reason) get 6%. That means that we only account for 6% of the messages posted on these forums. Who does the other 94%?

Also, of those 309797 messages, I personally, am responsible for about 1% of those. When you think about it, that's kind of substantial. Not as substantial as some people who account for about 3% of the messages. There's one person who makes up for about 4% of the posts. And then this guy is a slacker and only makes up about 0.1% of the posts on this site. And you people let him goto PAX on your dime.

Anyways, I hope someone finds this kind of interesting, and maybe makes something actually useful out of this (maybe a graph? Everyone loves graphs).

What percentage of posts do you account for?

Uhh..... no?

To get 6% from your data, you divided the number of members by the total number of posts, which equals .058, and then multiplied by 100 to make it a percentage... The number you got is correct, but it signifies absolutely nothing. I have no idea why you thought that that number signified that some unknown entity posted 94% of the posts on this forum. I am willing to bet that if you took the total numbers of posts from all member and added them together, you would get the number 309797. Only members can make posts, so logically, that makes perfect sense.

Even after saying "we only account for 6%" of the total posts, you went on to calculate how just 2 members made up 7% of the total posts by dividing their posts by the total and multiplying by 100. This number actually makes sense, but it already disproves your first point.
Uhh..... no?

To get 6% from your data, you divided the number of members by the total number of posts, which equals .058, and then multiplied by 100 to make it a percentage... The number you got is correct, but it signifies absolutely nothing. I have no idea why you thought that that number signified that some unknown entity posted 94% of the posts on this forum. I am willing to bet that if you took the total numbers of posts from all member and added them together, you would get the number 309797. Only members can make posts, so logically, that makes perfect sense.

Even after saying "we only account for 6%" of the total posts, you went on to calculate how just 2 members made up 7% of the total posts by dividing their posts by the total and multiplying by 100. This number actually makes sense, but it already disproves your first point.

I already know all of this. The whole paragraph was nonsensical, whimsical, and meant to be humorous. Please, don't take EVERYTHING I say seriously. That whole initial paragraph is why this thread was posted in the Random folder to begin with.
I already know all of this. The whole paragraph was nonsensical, whimsical, and meant to be humorous. Please, don't take EVERYTHING I say seriously. That whole initial paragraph is why this thread was posted in the Random folder to begin with.

Sorry. I am about as bad as it comes to deciphering tones in written text on the internet, such as humor, sarcasm, etc...
Sorry. I am about as bad as it comes to deciphering tones in written text on the internet, such as humor, sarcasm, etc...

Random math thing I learned, involving non-integer factorials and cosine:
Factorial and Cosine.png

Well, at least it seems to be correct in my graphing program.
So I've been watching some videos from Vi Hart. They're quite hilarious/awesome/informative, so I thought I'd post a couple here.

Now to get back to my hexahexaflexagon.
So since this thread has resulted in two people posting on my profile how much of a slacker I am, I decided to make some maths of my own. 1 + 1= This thread can kiss my ass.