Spiral Knights - A game by SEGA


Well-Known Member
Hello all, Bored here with a perplexing review of the newish PC-browser game on the block known as Spiral Knights. Course it's not that new since a great bit of the T9K crew has been playing it for about a month now (it was fully released on April 4th of this year) and seeing as no-one has given a decent thread/review for it yet, figured it's about time to roll one out. Side-note: Dungeon gameplay is comparable to Zelda: Four Swords Adventures.

  • Story:

Spiral Knights takes place in a robotic world that is calm on the surface, but as you go deeper into the planet's core the evil jelly square monsters and skeleton armies are in abundance. It is up to you and your group of friends to put a halt to the monsters coming to the surface and wreaking havoc on the land, as well as you must claim the rare gems to unlock the other shafts for more monster mayhem.

  • Game Content:

This game is definitely a bare bones 3rd person view MMO dungeon crawler. The detail in the graphics is on par if not better then most browser based games, it supports multi-resolution monitors and has fullscreen format for those who wish to be immersed in the action. I say bare bones because that is all this game entails is just dungeon running, there is no side leveling stats or a mini-game of checkers thrown into this game, it's just a dungeon crawler, but don't let that turn you away from this game. The action and the multiplayer setup of this game really gives it a nice punch, it gives full ability to trade materials/energy between friends that keeps the crew running in a pinch. Being as new as this game is, it does start out with a nice selection of equipment to choose from depending on your playing style. The economic system on this game is based on Crowns (normal currency) and Energy (100 energy per 24 hours recharge, any extra energy has to be purchased with real life funds or with crowns in the market, it's still a free to play game.)

The equipment ranges from swords, guns, and bombs for combat and different attribute armor that will conform to whatever you feel is needed for the run that you're doing. The weapons even have different levels of style, whether you want a huge sword to do massive damage and push-back enemies or a small quick sword that will mow down small mobs quickly. Each weapon also has a special attack when charged up that gives even more flexibility to the player to feel comfortable in this well designed game. The armor has a wide range of bonuses that deals with status defense or status increases attack damage/speed for certain class weapons. As with all equipment, they all have unique models to go with them that enables a truly customized character look.

The dungeons that you and your friends run into are simply beautiful, they range from different environments (ice, fire, poison, etc.) that gives the monsters of that dungeon the same attributes the environment has. On top of that the dungeons can range from arenas to massive cities/fields to perplexing mazes that will have you amused but not overly agitated. Each dungeon has several levels and has a "lobby" for return visits to the dungeon at lower tiers rather then repeating the full dungeon. There are vendors halfway through each tier that carry special recipes for making new equipment with alchemy (yes this game does have alchemy/materials to create said equipment.)

Alchemy is a way of creating new weapons/armor/etc. without having to buy directly from the vendors in the hometown of Haven. Materials acquired in the dungeons is needed as well as some crowns and energy to craft some of the upper level weapons/armor that will be needed to get to the lower tiers.

Well I'm running a bit low on time atm so I'll leave this article halfway complete. Feel free to comment on the game though and I'll get back to more game aesthetics later on (more story detail as well since skipped it the first time playing.)

It is definitely a fun mmo and seems to take concepts from other mmos like flyff... really fun to play with other T9K members over mumble!
"We are only accepting registrations with invitations at this time. The game will be open to everybody on 4 April 2011. To keep up on the latest news, sign up for the newsletter below!"
It's April 23rd!? Why can't I make an account?
I just signed up. This game is pretty fun. I'm at lvl 5 now. My gamertag is Moondawg.
That's your level of your gear. As soon as you change gear it will go from level 0 again. The old gear is still gonna be the level you left it with if you didn't need it in an upgrade.
We should make a T9k guild ;D
There already is one! Though someone needs to invite you. I think Jerzey can and he plays alot so ask him.
just saying, this game is really stupid, i wasted 10 mins of my life downloading it, and a further 2 hours trying to figure out wtf was going on....... im not complaining, but it took them 4 years to make the game....... waste of 4 years.
just saying, this game is really stupid, i wasted 10 mins of my life downloading it, and a further 2 hours trying to figure out wtf was going on....... im not complaining, but it took them 4 years to make the game....... waste of 4 years.

care to elaborate on this... I mean it's not the game's fault if you can't read the instructions? And 4 years development time is nothing compared to how many years go into other games with just better graphics (I mean how long are they going to delay Diablo 3...) Plus this is a free game, I mean for what you get with it compared to many of the indie games out there that have too many shop systems, this is a pretty nice game.
care to elaborate on this... I mean it's not the game's fault if you can't read the instructions? And 4 years development time is nothing compared to how many years go into other games with just better graphics (I mean how long are they going to delay Diablo 3...) Plus this is a free game, I mean for what you get with it compared to many of the indie games out there that have too many shop systems, this is a pretty nice game.
I agree with you there, but i still hold my opinion.
I find it frustrating waiting for energy to refill as it's like 1 point per 15 min or something
Best way to keep doing runs is to use crowns earned from the dungeon runs to purchase more energy, on good days it's like around 4kcr per 100 energy, bad days could be around 5kcr. And yes there are ways of making that much crowns with the 100 initial energy per day.

Note: it is 15min per 1 energy