Starbound Server by Patchouli


Well-Known Member
So, I debated doing this because I'm busy with work, but who cares, it needs to happen.

I was going to do a whole application process and whatnot, but really, since it would be difficult to find someone, doesn't even matter.

Password: You know what it is.

Usual rules, don't be a douche. And have fun.

Not-fun-havers will not be tolerated.
Little warning, due to betaness, this server might be a bit wonky at times and expect rollbacks from it being derpy.

Given T9k's track record, it could be any fruit or combination of fruit.
I may not be as actively involved as the community as I should be, but I'm fairly certain Pineapple is currently the main password to everything.
We actually have a Team9000 server running stable on launch, but I'm evaluating if it can be released publicly or not. I'm still a little unclear about how planet systems are accessed and distributed.
We actually have a Team9000 server running stable on launch, but I'm evaluating if it can be released publicly or not. I'm still a little unclear about how planet systems are accessed and distributed.
I don't think it would really work as a launch thing. I'm still not sure what it does but I just don't think it would.
For those that might have attempted to join before, I have reset my server for the new patch. Being there might be a new one soon, it might be obsolete before I get back from work, so, just a warning.

Aside from this I plan to keep it online 24/7. Being I have a UPS, it can also survive power outages, so long as they don't last 15 minutes or so (I just changed the option for it to run the computer until the battery is at 5 minutes remaining. So unless I get a really long power outage, the server should stay up (Aside from internet disconnection until power is restored)

TL;DR: I work 12 hour shifts so I might not be able to maintain server if patch or random crash. Otherwise it will stay around for your enjoyment.