Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm


Well-Known Member
Just curious if anyone else plays Starcraft, if so, let's discuss fun we've had, and times where we've thrown our keyboard after being Cannon Rushed.

If not, you should deffinately try it.

I haven't played in about a year, but back when I played I was a high silver player, and competed with the gold players they put me up against. So I was pretty badish/decent.
I never played HotS, but I used to play a lot of WoL. I think I was a mid Diamond for the 1v1 ladder, but it's 2v2s that I really enjoyed the most, 'cause I always wanted to play together with my friend. I'd do stupid shit like mass Ravens and Battlecruisers just for the hell of it. I really miss that game.
MFW I take my army of Roaches and Zerglings to a traveling Terran base only to be butt fucked by a meat grinder of marines and marauders.
MFW I take my army of Roaches and Zerglings to a traveling Terran base only to be butt fucked by a meat grinder of marines and marauders.
>Takes army of Marauders into a Protoss base full of Void Rays.