Steam Help


Well-Known Member
I tried downloading Steam today and I had an issue:

After downloading it, it wouldn't open.Ever. It kept saying "Steam.exe(main exception):To run Steam, you must first connect to the Internet" instead of opening.(I was connected to the internet, and I even logged into Steam to download it)

I used to have Steam a long time ago, and I didn't do anything differently installing it.(I uninstalled it a long time ago before trying to install it now) If any of you might have the SLIGHTEST idea of what's wrong, please tell me.

The file in question is called "ClientRegistry.blob", found in the Steam directory (which, unless you changed the path of install, should be:
"C:\Program Files\Steam").

I can't guarantee it will fix your problem, but it has certainly helped me in the past.

It's also possible that your router simply isn't forwarding the port, which would explain why it says you can't connect; if you go to you should be able to find the ports for steam/a guide on how to do it with your router (it's fairly simple stuff).

Let's also not rule out firewall issues - disable any and all of them before trying to start Steam, see if that works.

Finally, it could simply be that you need to reinstall. This, too, has worked for me in the past. If you do choose to reinstall, however, be certain to delete the Steam folder after uninstalling, just before you install it again. Otherwise, Steam will keep all the old settings and you will be in the same boat.
Thanks, I'll see what I can do, but I'm not much of a tech-specialist. Also, I have McAfee anti-virus protection on my computer, so that might be blocking it.