Even IF SOPA passed both houses of Congress (unlikely), Obama wouldn't sign it. In any case, the rate Congress is moving to do anything (actually ranked the least-productive Congress in American history) it will never go anywhere.
Here, have a convenient link

TL;DR to the above:

the FCC dun' fucked, and the Internet as we know it will break.
Again, everyone's like "Ermergerd teh interwebs iz gun die!" when in reality, if they honestly think this will stop anything, they've got their heads lodged up their own asses. The thing with this is even if this does become a thing, the backlash from it will result in it being immediately withdrawn. The FCC has always been a bag of dicks, and will likely remain being a bag of dicks. The FCC's move here is essentially the age-old "Bratty child losing at a game, taking his ball, and going home" move.
Again, everyone's like "Ermergerd teh interwebs iz gun die!" when in reality, if they honestly think this will stop anything, they've got their heads lodged up their own asses. The thing with this is even if this does become a thing, the backlash from it will result in it being immediately withdrawn. The FCC has always been a bag of dicks, and will likely remain being a bag of dicks. The FCC's move here is essentially the age-old "Bratty child losing at a game, taking his ball, and going home" move.
I'd love to believe that, but the FCC did just recently kill net neutrality. I don't have much faith in them.