Stupid Thread


Well-Known Member
Skryter... This is a gaming community forum that is supposed to be suitable for ALL ages. This clearly breaches the terms of use defined by section D article 210 of the T9K community waver we were all hypnotized to mindlessly sign in our sleep.

Oh and


It's mine..

*laughs evily* You're all mine mudkipz.. me and you.. in my van.. Whatta say? :trollface:
Skryter... This is a gaming community forum that is supposed to be suitable for ALL ages. This clearly breaches the terms of use defined by section D article 210 of the T9K community waver we were all hypnotized to mindlessly sign in our sleep.

Oh and



I smell a communist, i wonder were......
Skryter... This is a gaming community forum that is supposed to be suitable for ALL ages. This clearly breaches the terms of use defined by section D article 210 of the T9K community waver we were all hypnotized to mindlessly sign in our sleep.

Oh and


i thought off topic was fair game