Superman Comics and DC


Active Member
I thought that DC was a fail for a long time, I just didnt like how DC tried to keep making Superman all great and everything, I've read the classic Action Comics and the story was genius. All I would buy when I went to a comic book store was the old back issues of Action Comics because I didn't think the new ones were all that great. I saw the most recent comics and gave it a try.

-Superman Unchained #1
-Superman Unchained #2
-Superman Action Comics #22
Superman Action Comics was a lead on story from the classic action comics.
Superman Unchained is the new story of Superman more popular because it has Jim Lee in it, great artist.
I would have to say it was worth it and I'm going to soon buy a subscription of the Superman Unchained series.
Do any of you guys like to read Superman comics? I read just for fun, I don't have millions of comics yet <3.

Also if you guys read any other comics from DC that would be interesting to post what you like, or what you think of the new Superman comics.