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Taco Plays: Surgeon Simulator (feat. Aztec)


Well-Known Member
Hello, again, friend of a friend. (I knew you well...)

So, y'know that other Starbound gameplay video I uploaded, like, a billion years ago? Here's another video that's like that, except this time I played a game with a friend, namely Aztectornado/Zyro Gecko. It's not co-op, but it's uh-... moral support over Skype.

Apart from being a pain in the ass to upload, this video is the longest one I've made yet. 20-something minutes long. Initally, like, 45 minutes of footage, I managed to condense it and make it-... somewhat funnier. Maybe. I hope you enjoy it.

Get doctored.

(Also, video's a bit choppy for the first minute or so, so-... bare with me. ;w; )