Taking a "Temporary Vacation"

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Well-Known Member
I am going to be missing for a little while for a couple reasons:

1. The ponies

2. The Battlefield 3 beta is going to be taking place on the PS3 in 2 days, so I will not be playing Minecraft, or posting on the forums to miss it.

3. The ponies

4. The ponies

5. I am pretty bored of Minecraft right now, and since the 1.9 server is only temporary, I see no point in putting forth effort into something that will not last

6. The ponies

7. The ponies

8. I am busy with school, and since I will be spending most of my time doing homework, studying, or playing the BF3 beta, I wont have time to go on the forums

9. The ponies

10. The ponies

11. The forums have gone to hell recently. Most threads are trolling, ponies, threads ruined by ponies, nonsense, or spam.

12. The ponies.

13. The ponies


So....yeah, I will see you guys later.
Dude seriously find some time and visit the forums. I'm getting into the PC beta but you don't see me leaving. Just block the bastards.
Dude seriously find some time and visit the forums. I'm getting into the PC beta but you don't see me leaving. Just bpock the bastards.
I don't wanna have to get Origin for Battlefield 3 D: Origin is stooooopid.

EDIT: And I don't do FPS on console >.> besides exclusives
I don't like ponies. But it's a fad. It'll go away pretty soon. It can't last very long.
In the meantime, I have minecraft, school, and the search for a new girlfriend (I got dumped yesterday ;P)
If you guys did not get the hint from the title, it is just a temporary break, not a "I'm leaving" like Narwhals. Ponies are a large (very large) contributor to my break, but there are other reasons besides the ponies.
Aww i was really looking forward to some actual game themed banners, ya know, with all these juicy games coming out and us being once a gamer community.

If only ponies weren't so awesome D:
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