Team 9000: Who We Are


Well-Known Member
I firstly want to say that even though this story mentions Minecraft, I am in no way talking about Minecraft specifically as it pertains to my overall theme in this post. So you Minecraft haters, I urge to take the time to read this before you brush it off as another "Minecrap" thread. Also, this thread is solely of my own opinion and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of anyone else on these forums. If this does ring true to you someway, that's awesome.

Earlier today, myself and a number of other members of T9K made a foray into a different Minecraft server. It was a lot of fun, and different from the server here hosted by the benevolent Wooty (Wooty). Hell, aside from the bit of PvP misfortune we all encountered, it was better than the sever here. In spite of all of this, something didn't feel right. A number of other players had already done this before, and it always left me feeling unsettled. I felt like we were betraying the community, and turning our backs on everyone and everything we had worked on creating and establishing as one of the premier online community groups. This guilt stayed with me most of the night, until a few minutes ago.

Team 9000 isn't bound by the proverbial walls that we have built around Minecraft, Steam, Mumble, and these forums. We all come here at some point and time looking for something more out of our online experience. For me, I was tired of being a loner, roaming the Internet, playing games without anyone else to play with, except the anonymous names I stare at on the screen. When I started playing Minecraft, I began looking for a community of fellow gamers who enjoyed the concept of being uninhibited by the confines of the story in a game or objectives, and who wanted to build their own universe, and express themselves and their passions through their creations without having to worry about being ridiculed, or having those creations destroyed seconds after finishing them (except for the Nazis, and penis enthusiasts. Those people are strange, and jerks). Team 9000 fulfilled that for me with the security of the mods watching over my builds, the users I met who helped me with my builds, and some of the builds we made together. As I looked deeper, and found the forums, the Internet became a friendlier place to me, with people who didn't scorn you for your opinions, but respected your views. Mumble put voices to the names I saw regularly when I browsed Minecraft and gave everyone more familiarity to me, which I greatly appreciate and have enjoyed almost everyday since then not only in Minecraft, but in several other games, as well.

As I said, earlier today, I felt as if myself and the others were beginning to turn our backs on Team 9000 and the great people we met and friends we have all made while in Minecraft, on Steam, talking on Mumble and posting on these forums. My realization was that we aren't turning our backs on everyone else, not at all. What we've done here has become known to other circles on the Internet. Chances are, where we go, if we say we're from Team 9000, someone there will know who we are and how well this community is set up. Whenever a group of us goes to play a game on another server, we're not turning our backs on this community, we're spreading the word of this community. We're a group of players who have a passion for gaming, and having fun at it without being a nameless, anonymous jerk who trolls others who have an off game, or may not be as good as one of us. No matter the skill of others, we show up with one goal in mind: have fun, or make fun. That's something that will get people's attention. That's something I don't think I'm ever going to turn my back on, and I certainly hope it's not something the rest of you will do, either. It isn't a threat to anyone, it's a declaration of faith I have in this community and everyone here who reads this. You've taken the time to see these forums. Stay a while, see what else is here and see what it is we're about. We're about fun, and I'd be more than happy to invite you along and experience some yourself.
This thread really has struck home. It is true - we are more than just Minecraft (although that is a fair chunk of who we are).
Look, the people I have met here on Team9k have been genuinely fun-to-be-with people. I can be myself, and the otherwise ominous anoyminity of forums and gameplay are transformed into a concept where you don't have to worry about stigma - you are just you, and on Team9k you garner respect from being genuine.

Well said 'Doggy. Now, I shall spend more minutes of my life on this forum, and shank some cows.
Yay! It's nice to see a thread like this every once in awhile, it really reminds people why they chose to come here in the first place. I mainly came for the same reasons Moondoggy did, but all I really have is Minecraft at this point. I mostly enjoy the posting on the forums the most, as I find it to be the foundation of this community and the a place I can share random things I've found on the Internet to other people.
I could not have said it better myself moon, when I joined t9k 8 or so months ago, it was minecraft that brought me in and it was definitely the community here that kept me here. I have also done the exact same thing and visited a couple other servers outside of T9K but it was never turning my back on t9k it was definitely spreading the word of T9K, and because of that we have a good relationship with two other servers and the moderators from opticraft and oxitek visit our classic servers all the time. This community has its interests everywhere and there is always someone contributing some small gem of a game that is not well known and I would not have found out about otherwise, and there is really no end to our antics. Between minecraft, mumble, the live casts, the forum, and all the random games that are started up to play together, I have as moon stated so eloquently, "gained a familiarity with a community that allows you to be yourself". I have gained quite a few friendships in my time here, and indeed this is what we are all about, the community, the fun, the conversation, "having fun or making fun". Fantastic read moon, well said indeed.
I didn't know Godlib had only been here for 8 months. Really brings things into perspective for me, I guess.
I'm glad that someone else sees what I have always seen in this community. We're a group of people who play games... for fun. Being personally terrible at most video games, I can't stand the majority of the communities out there, because if you're not amazing, you get shunned.
Awww well every gaming community has to have at least a couple of lurking trolls. Kind of like a real family you know?

But I wholeheartedly agree. Good post