Team9000 Minecraft Server Idea: The Greatest Superflat Evah!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello. I've been thinking of a new server experiment, but I haven't the mod to use it (Sorry Gurw, your mod wouldn't load no matter what I did. Probably my stupid laptop messing up). This was supposed to be a secret, but now I need help. I am wanting to create a server that has a world like this: Biomes like a large biomes world, but it's a superflat at layer 64. It would have trees, oceans, caves, strongholds, ect. Extreme hills would still have emerald. Also, I want to try to make a Superflat Nether to.

I have successfully made a superflat at layer 64 in the past that was all extreme hills, but I wanted the many biomes added into this. I also cannot host a server on my laptop, so I will need someone who I can trust to run the server. This person needs experience running servers, and any vouches might help influence my voting. If you have been chosen to run the server: I do ask a few things:

1. I would like permission to access the server. I would like to be an admin, but I have no experience, so just a normal player is fine with me.
2. I would like to assist in building initial buildings (spawn, server shops, ect.)
3. The server is a survival server. If PvP is enabled, I would prefer if there was something like Gurw's server to have safe havens from combat and stealing.
4. Mobgriefing is off. I really hate creeper explosions. TNT might not be a bad idea to block as well.
5. I would prefer no freebies/favoritism from admins. I generally hate admins that go "Oh, your building a city? Well, since you're my friend, here's a ton of high-enchant armor and weapons and obsidian for your walls."
And 6. I would like and economy system and server stores somewhere in the spawn area.

If you have a mod that may help, I will create the world unless you want to. If you wanna be the person I trust with the server, just ask. I know it's easy to steal this idea from me right now (one reason I wanted to keep it secret), so please be respectful. I don't mind using this idea, but I want this to be an official Team9000 server if the serverholder wants it to be, and I really would like a trustworthy Team9000 member to be the one hosting it.

P.S. I will take a picture of my Extreme Hills Superflat Survival singleplayer upon request.
Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to ask for a server holder again. I need someone with experience running servers to do this.
Once I figure out how to run the server, I will get a new start on this. Sorry for the delay. What was supposed to be simple turned into maddness real quick, so I'm trying to reestablish my ideas
Me either...that's one of the two major reasons I can't run the server myself. The other being I'm using a decently old laptop to play on.
Once I figure out how to run the server, I will get a new start on this. Sorry for the delay. What was supposed to be simple turned into maddness real quick, so I'm trying to reestablish my ideas

Dude...this was like..over a year ago...

Well, I have been having many difficulties. I worked on it my senior year in high school, but problems appeared.