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Team9000 Staff 01 - 06 -12

The last post about the staff pic was stupid, and all the players were looking in random directions. this time, it's slightly more updated and all the players are looking the same way (hopefully <3 )
Here it is!
View attachment 83478
And for the newbies who don't know which people are which ranks...
View attachment 83479
Thanks to Coulometry and joshuame13 for the help with the NPC's

Sources: My Server, Bukkit, Citizens (Bukkit Plugin), Myself, Coulometry, joshuame13, uploads.team9000.net

EDIT: Added sources
Was Notch actually on the server before?
Yes, notch was on the classic server before. He actually completely destroyed everything and caused massive chaos. If I am not mistaken, Godlib has the pics?
Wait, so this picture is happening? I can offer some assistance if needed. No idea how you get the players skins or anything though.