
Hi there!

I noticed you haven't posted anything yet, so I'd like to personally welcome you to the Team9000 community. There's tons of fun things to do here, including Minecraft shenanigans, voice chat, off topic forums, random videos, and more! To get started, we'd love for you to introduce yourself so everyone can give you a proper welcome.

Make yourself at home!

Floris de BIjl AKA "Fdebijl"
Team9000 Community Staff member.
I'm Riein.
Welcome to Team9000!
My name is Riein, but you can call me "Riein".
Remember we have a lot more servers than just-
Like 9001 people copy-pastaed that when I did that.
Forget that.
Just ask your brother.
Or your mom.

Your brother should know more, though.

So everyone sees this too?

I'm BoyHimas.
Welcome to Team9000!
My name is BoyHimas, but you can call me "himas".
Remember we have a lot more servers than just-
Like 9001 people copy-pastaed that when I did that.
Forget that.
Just ask your brother.
Or your mom.

Your brother should know more, though.
Hi there!

I noticed you haven't posted anything yet, so I'd like to personally welcome you to the Team9000 community. There's tons of fun things to do here, including Minecraft shenanigans, voice chat, off topic forums, random videos, and more! To get started, we'd love for you to introduce yourself so everyone can give you a proper welcome.

Make yourself at home!

Floris de BIjl AKA "Fdebijl"
Team9000 Community Staff member.

'Sup classy clint.

I noticed you haven't posted anything yet, so I'd like to personally welcome you to the Team9000 community. There's tons of fun things to do here, including Minecraft shenanigans, voice chat, off topic forums, off topic forums, off topic forums, off topic forums, off topic forums, off topic forums, off topic forums, off topic forums, really off topic forums, random videos, and more! To get started, we'd love for you to introduce yourself so everyone can give you a proper welcome. (That usually involves a comment about a bag of cocaine.)

Make yourself at home!

Vorsprung AKA "Vorsprung"
Team9000 Community Staff Vorsprung
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<h3 class="noticeTitle">Welcome to Team9000!</h3>
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<img src="styles/team9000/welcome2.png">
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<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0); font-size: 20px;">Hi there!</span><br>
I noticed you haven't posted anything yet, so I'd like to personally welcome you to the Team9000 community. There's tons of fun things to do here, including Minecraft shenanigans, <a href="https://wiki.team9000.net/Mumble">voice chat</a>, <a href="forums/off-topic.11/">off topic forums</a>, <a href="goggles/">random videos</a>, and more! To get started, we'd love for you to <a href="https://www.team9000.net/forums/welcome.9/create-thread">introduce yourself</a> so everyone can give you a proper welcome.<br>
Make yourself at home!<br><br>
Floris de bijl"Fdebijl"<br>
Team9000 Community Staff member.