The Amazing-ness of Corgis

Like, how can you watch that for 45 minutes
It's like all those "10 hours long" versions of popular YouTube songs or whatever
And you always get one fucker in the comments saying "I watched the whole thing no regrets XDD"
Or people saying "I only got 8 hours in XDDD"
What is so wrong with your life that you can afford to watch the same three seconds of What Is Love? for such a long time
And like it doesn't count if you have it minimized and you're doing something else
I can do that, it's not hard
And wouldn't you get bored?
Like, I like Rainbow Tylenol, but I wouldn't listen to it twice in a row, even
What is wrong with you people
It's just some corgis
It's not funny or witty or particularly gripping
Watch some TV or read a book