The Epic of the Powerbook.


Well-Known Member (Warning, this page is slightly NSFW. The rest of the website is rather NSFW)

Ah yes. The great internet story of the ...P-P-P-Powerbook!

If you don't get the article, I'll summarize it:

A dude named Jeff tries to sell his friend Corey's Apple Powerbook on eBay. A newb scammer in London decides to "buy" it. Jeff with his ub3r interweb skillz knows that the Londoner is trying to scam him. Jeff decides to totally screw with him. Lulz ensures. This whole thing spawned the P-p-p-powerbook meme.

(Just read the article.)

Credit for the original website that this whole thing was posted on:

that is such a troll thing to do :D

shadowwolf why did you come in here just to write tl;dr?