The Lego Thread


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the Lego Thread, many of you play Minecraft and enjoy it thoroughly. Using deductive reasoning it is safe to assume many of you also enjoy Lego. Then again, who doesn't enjoy them they are the fucking bees knees, except the price of course.

What was your first Lego set?
What was the Lego set you spent many nights dreaming about and never got?
What was the Lego set you spent many nights dreaming about and got and it was the greatest day ever?
What is your favorite set?
Technic or System?
Your fondest memories with Lego?
Random pictures of awesome creations?

These are examples of the many things we can discuss as a wonderful internet family. Let me begin.

My first Lego experience was probably in Armenia when I was young, four maybe. We had group of Lego system pieces and I probably spent weeks with them. Now this is during the end of the Soviet collapse and everyone in the country was very poor so we couldn't afford awesome sauce sets or anything. When my dad went to Germany for work he got my bro and I two Lego Technic sets for Christmas. Shit was so cash and you can imagine how happy we were. We hauled those sets with us to France, Russia and eventually the United States were they now rest in my room, minus a few pieces.

The one I got, at the time it was awesome, but the problem with Lego Technic sets is that their specific pieces make creating your own models harder.

My favorite sets that I actually got would be these two. One they look awesome, two the pieces given to you allow for maximum creativity. I fashioned both models with a motor once, that is a fun exercise, put motors on sets that are not suppose to have motors (so frustrating).


And with motors attached

The Hailfire droid with motors kind of failed as the motors lagged on carpet and the droid didn't go as fast as I wanted it to, even if I adjusted gear ratios.

When I was in the 3rd or 4th grade we were subscribed to the Lego magazine, and EVERY issue had one set at the back that I wanted so bad. So so bad, and I never got it, and now it costs $500 to $1000. If I got it now, I would probably faint from joy.

1300 pieces of spacey goodness, *drooooool*

I also wanted this one pretty bad before the x-wing. (didn't get it ;( )

Anyway I've written enough, if you want to find a specific set this might help or just Google key words describing the set
I remember those large types of Lego when I was younger in the daycare and stuff... but this:

Was the first Bionicle I ever had... For having my tooth taken out by the dentist :D

Then these:



Over time, I accumulated a whole lot of them, but these are the best I have ever had:



Eeyup, too lazy to type more information, just check those out... oh and wait... I even made fanon!!!



Akingi first Lego set was actually a hand-me-down from my brother. It was a three-sheet big build of a lunar space station. He gave it me because I kept destroying it when he built it (I guess I was jealous). That set was awesome. My most recent Lego acquisition was Star Wars Darth Vader's TIE Fighter.
When me and my brother were, oh about 3 or 4 (this was 1994-5) our parents got us a 5,000-piece Lego BOX. A random mish-mash of pieces, we spent literal years building and tearing down creations. Then, when we were 12, our parents decided it was time to grow up, took the box (now down to about 2,000 pieces due to losing them to vacuums or heating ducts), and donated it to our local church. We weren't happy about it, to say the least. We had created vast castles and the obligatory rocket ships; models of humans, dogs, cats, and all other manner of creature; we even made landscapes for our little green and tan army men to play on. Since then we've both purchased a few sets, but the magic has been lost in the new generations of Lego.
My parents were always too cheap to get me any but there was a kid my mom used to babysit that had a boat load of em. There are little antenna attachments that we would always use as swords and make forts etc...

One day I dumped the whole thing on the floor and left without cleaning it up and I never got to play with them again.

For some reason I never had a full Bionicle set, just like a couple of pieces from different sets which usually got mixed in with a universal pile.
Yes, this universal pile is what you use to build OCs right? much more fun than the actual thing :P