The real meaning of mlg

I reject your internetz, i require a certain book.

"mudkip necrophilia for dummies", would you be able to send me that certain book?

I am offended you reject my internets.
However, I'm out of Mudkip Necrophilia for Dummies. Would you be O.K with a copy of Figging: The NewspaperCrane Story?
I am offended you reject my internets.
However, I'm out of Mudkip Necrophilia for Dummies. Would you be O.K with a copy of Figging: The NewspaperCrane Story?

Yes, as long as it comes with a dead mudkip and some headlight fluid i can use as lube....
Thank God Battlefield doesn't have this. Screw you COD and HAlo fans!!!!!!!!1!!!1!
Thank God Battlefield doesn't have this. Screw you COD and HAlo fans!!!!!!!!1!!!1!

Lies, every video game has people who think there mlg, not just halo and cod, but there usually more in cod, the ones in halo are just outright trash............. i know from experience since i deal with at least 2 a day...
Yes, as long as it comes with a dead mudkip and some headlight fluid i can use as lube....

I'm out of dead Mudkips. I've got a few live ones, and a decomposing Marshtomp.
As for headlight fluid... I need that for my truck! However, I do happen to have some strawberry-flavoured lube that's only two years of its use-by date. You interested?
I'm out of dead Mudkips. I've got a few live ones, and a decomposing Marshtomp.
As for headlight fluid... I need that for my truck! However, I do happen to have some strawberry-flavoured lube that's only two years of its use-by date. You interested?

Indeed, send it to 69 necrophiliac street candyland.
Okay, that probably is the true meaning.

That is totally the meaning.

And Skryter, your delivery is on the way. But here's a tip - ask for cash instead of credit, as that stripper is a convicted fraudster.
You did ask for the special delivery service. That'll be a hundred trillion Zimbabwe dollars.