The story of me! (Here ya go, Parcel)


Well-Known Member
Ok well today I was asked "How did you come up with your name?" I know at least a few of you might want to know. :trollface: Anyways, this is mainly for ParcelFace because I didn't feel like typing this story in minecraft.

When I was about 9 years old, maybe even younger, I played a game called Virtual Magic Kingdom, or just VMK For short (ah, good times). My username on there was Qui-Gon-Jin (Or however you spell it, I forgot :P). I tried signing up on some forums about the game, but someone had already taken the name, so I decided not to.

A year or so later, I found Runescape. It said you had to be 13 to play, but I wasn't. So, I said I was 13 and went with the name Da Teen, because I was just a stupid little child back then. I played it for a while, then eventually got bored of it.

I found the game Animal Crossing City Folk for the Wii, and went on some forums for the game. I had a bunch of squirrels in my town, and I just liked squirrels, so I went with the name Squirley_Guy. I didn't know I had spelled Squirrely wrong at the time, but oh well. Ever since then, the name has just stuck. I've been on many forums, so if you see someone named Squirley_Guy, Squirley Guy, or even SquirleyGuy, stop by and say hello. I'd appreciate it :D