The title of this topic is, "Question about Computers".


Well-Known Member
I have a question about computers, I figured since everyone who uses the internet has a computer, it would probably be best to ask the internet.

Computer? What should I buy? Budget? Complications? Is it good for playing video games? Is it good for office stuff? Asplain.
Buy parts seperate and put it together. Newegg is good if you aren't in the states they are located in, like california... tax is a complete bitch.
I don't want to build one. I built something before and it caught fire. That's why I'm not an engineer of the physical types :D!
Never done anything computer related before. I buy them from the store and never touch them again. I'm still running XP! Does put in CD and download program count as plug stuff in and go @_@?
Never done anything computer related before. I buy them from the store and never touch them again. I'm still running XP!

Google around, youtube around. I can't recommend buying a prebuilt computer. Or just get a mac, because that's what I recommend people that can't put something together xD
It's just easier for everyone in the long run if I recommend a Mac. Because I can claim I don't know how to use a mac so I don't get called to fix EVERYTHING.
malinax, I love you for your reason to reccomend a mac, the only reason anyone ever should, however sheepy,(Seriously considering calling you that now), in regards to pre built machines, if all you are doing is running minecraft, you really do not need much, run up to your local compusa and the guys there will be more than happy to help you out and they probably will have some of the best deals especially if you have them build you a machine, compusa is owned by the same people who own and you can find some great deals on pre built computers at either place. just check it out and you will not be disappointed.

also, pinapples.
malinax, I love you for your reason to reccomend a mac, the only reason anyone ever should, however sheepy,(Seriously considering calling you that now), in regards to pre built machines, if all you are doing is running minecraft, you really do not need much, run up to your local compusa and the guys there will be more than happy to help you out and they probably will have some of the best deals especially if you have them build you a machine, compusa is owned by the same people who own and you can find some great deals on pre built computers at either place. just check it out and you will not be disappointed.

also, pinapples.

It's probably a bit harsh, but I hate being the guy they go to -_-
malinax, I love you for your reason to reccomend a mac, the only reason anyone ever should, however sheepy,(Seriously considering calling you that now), in regards to pre built machines, if all you are doing is running minecraft, you really do not need much, run up to your local compusa and the guys there will be more than happy to help you out and they probably will have some of the best deals especially if you have them build you a machine, compusa is owned by the same people who own and you can find some great deals on pre built computers at either place. just check it out and you will not be disappointed.

also, pinapples.

Games. A lot of games.

& thx!