Things that made you Facepalm this past week.

What made you :facepalm: this past week?

I really hate this show simply for the fact that every past historical achievement that man has made is discredited from us, and attributed to that of "Aliens". I mean, dude, give mankind some credit eh?

I really hate this show simply for the fact that every past historical achievement that man has made is discredited from us, and attributed to that of "Aliens". I mean, dude, give mankind some credit eh?

I spent 5 minutes trying to find one picture that wasnt a facepalm :D
DAMNIT sth, got to it before me :facepalm:

but seriously, on my school campus, there is the main building, and down this huge ass hill is the vocational building. My friend ws running up the hill since it was raining buckets, then he took an arrow to the knee and fell in a puddle. I :facepalm:'d. Hard.
In my Honors Earth/Space class, we were supposed to a do a project where we created a creature that could live on another planet based on the planet it lives on.

One of my classmates had to do Saturn, which has ENDLESS possibilities for a creature. In front of the ENTIRE class, she presented a shapeshifting, high-tech, alien that rides around in a giant spaceship.

I think she got an F

In my Honors Earth/Space class, we were supposed to a do a project where we created a creature that could live on another planet based on the planet it lives on.

One of my classmates had to do Saturn, which has ENDLESS possibilities for a creature. In front of the ENTIRE class, she presented a shapeshifting, high-tech, alien that rides around in a giant spaceship.

I think she got an F

My Cousin who's a teacher at a all girls school she showed me of something really :facepalm: worthy

In Science she instructed for the students to design a Dinosaur, taking species into acount, that doesn't matter. The thing that does matter is that one of the Girls made a "Beiber-saurus" Just a Tyrannosaurus Rex with Justin Beiber hair.

I saw the picture she drew, it was fucking hilarious.
My Cousin who's a teacher at a all girls school she showed me of something really :facepalm: worthy

In Science she instructed for the students to design a Dinosaur, taking species into acount, that doesn't matter. The thing that does matter is that one of the Girls made a "Beiber-saurus" Just a Tyrannosaurus Rex with Justin Beiber hair.

I saw the picture she drew, it was fucking hilarious.
Must have been one of the most hated dinosaur that existed.
My Cousin who's a teacher at a all girls school she showed me of something really :facepalm: worthy

In Science she instructed for the students to design a Dinosaur, taking species into acount, that doesn't matter. The thing that does matter is that one of the Girls made a "Beiber-saurus" Just a Tyrannosaurus Rex with Justin Beiber hair.

I saw the picture she drew, it was fucking hilarious.
So.....the moment the beiber-saurus started singing all the dinosaurs went extinct?