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This is Cool 117...


Well-Known Member
Hey guys and gals! Before I start I'd just like to say, fuck you Steve Jobs I hate you even as you lie dead for you sack of shit iPad, I'm gonna frizbee this fuckin' thing out the bloody window you wasted my bloody money on this piece of junk with your gypse witchcraft black magik and if you ever come back to life I'm gonna be the first guy to kick ya in the pills.

Alrighty then! I had a dream today of Cool 117 being Halo themed as it is 117 and it wouldn't be right to not do something about this. Making it a live action battleground world would be pretty amazing... I've been wanting to see a 1x1 replica of the Covenant Battle Cruiser "Shadow of Intent" just because not only does it look epic but it makes reference to H3 in preparation for H4.


Let me know what ya mates think :)

T2 out.