Thread Reviews by Drsheep: "Thread Topic" by Drsheep


Well-Known Member

Or... I should just start rating threads using threads.

A notable piece of work from a dignified author, one whose credentials need not be mentioned to spark the curiosity of intellectuals in board rooms across America, or quite possible the world. The piece is in part of a peer reviewed publication, and responsibly displays information gathered from credible sources. With evident influence from the recent Occupy movements in the United States, the currency of this thread boldly speaks of free enterprise in a praising yet warning manner. A standing weakness bares the form of a preachy objectivity, and the bias towards open communication in modern society does not lend to the themes represented.

All in all, best thread of 2011. 10/10

I give this the golden keyboard.
Man, more than a few posts in less than a month?

Many of your fangirls will spontaneously combust .

A notable piece of work from a dignified author, one whose credentials need not be mentioned to spark the curiosity of intellectuals in board rooms across America, or quite possible the world. The piece is in part of a peer reviewed publication, and responsibly displays information gathered from credible sources. With evident influence from the recent Occupy movements in the United States, the currency of this thread boldly speaks of free enterprise in a praising yet warning manner. A standing weakness bares the form of a preachy objectivity, and the bias towards open communication in modern society does not lend to the themes represented.

All in all, best thread of 2011. 10/10

I give this the golden keyboard.
You should do a review off this review topic thread of the review topic thread.

A notable piece of work from a dignified author, one whose credentials need not be mentioned to spark the curiosity of intellectuals in board rooms across America, or quite possible the world. The piece is in part of a peer reviewed publication, and responsibly displays information gathered from credible sources. With evident influence from the recent Occupy movements in the United States, the currency of this thread boldly speaks of free enterprise in a praising yet warning manner. A standing weakness bares the form of a preachy objectivity, and the bias towards open communication in modern society does not lend to the themes represented.

All in all, best thread of 2011. 10/10

I give this the golden keyboard.
Godlib's gonna freak when he sees these :D

A notable piece of work from a dignified author, one whose credentials need not be mentioned to spark the curiosity of intellectuals in board rooms across America, or quite possible the world. The piece is in part of a peer reviewed publication, and responsibly displays information gathered from credible sources. With evident influence from the recent Occupy movements in the United States, the currency of this thread boldly speaks of free enterprise in a praising yet warning manner. A standing weakness bares the form of a preachy objectivity, and the bias towards open communication in modern society does not lend to the themes represented.

All in all, best thread of 2011. 10/10

I give this the golden keyboard.
In retrospective, this thread is only a mere shadow of the author's other glorious threads. Relevance to a small day? Why the classical drsheep transcended the itinerary of the now, delving into concepts relevant to this MILLENIA. Your mini-wootz stories were genious! 7/10 for effort.