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To be honest i dont know. -_-


My wom doesnt seem to be connecting to Team 9000's Classic. All I get is :

Failed to connect!
You failed to connect to the server. Its probualy down!

I dont know if its true, Because I see players on.
I keep thinking it might be my internet, But thats working fine.

If you have any ideas why, Please post. :/

(P.s Could it be texture packs?)
Try restarting your internet router, and your computer. If that doesn't work, try setting up your port-forwarding again.
There's been a known issue that was reported on the WoM site for folks using Java 7. Stupidly enough their only work-around is to uninstlal Java 7 and go back to 6. Seems a bit fish as folks running have been running ver 7 for awhile without issue. I even conenct just fine - but then I still have my original direct connect link :cool:
Wait... just to clear things up, you removed Java 7... but did you install Java 6? MAYBE, just maybe, you currently don't have java at all? Idk?
Case solved! Awnser: Left my texture pack on jolicraft.

Now i know, When going on to WoM Turn off the texture pack. :3

(Sorry for all the trouble you guys >.<)