Video Game Idea: DemiGod


Well-Known Member
Hello all. I just wanted to toss an idea out for a video game here and see what input you guys and gals got. I want whatever criticism I can get. I will admit, this is just an idea, and not every detail is thought up. (Just for a heads up, this was inspired by Grand Theft Auto, [PROTOTYPE], InFamous, and my love of fantasy)

The game takes place in a big city which hasn't been thought of yet (wanna stay away from generic places like NYC. Maybe OKC, Dallas, or a different place) The world is filled with Demigods, which you probably know is a half-god, half-human mix. You get to choose whether you are good or evil and a category of god to determine what you are the Demigod of (an evil god of life would be a necromancer deity, whereas a good god of hate would be a god of holy vengeance, who smites down sinners who have hurt others with their sins). If you choose good, you cannot harm civilians or military officials, whereas if you are evil you can harm anyone who hasn't joined your cause.

Demigods have two forms, a human form, and a deity form. Humans can't see their deity form without the Demigod allowing it (which breaks a huge Demigod rule, but I'll get into that in a bit). Demigods can automatically see other Demigods in their deity forms and see their auras in their human forms, so finding other Demigods in the world is made easy. One god may have thousands to millions of children, so seeing several of one type in one city isn't an uncommon sight. As you progress in your abilities through killing Beasts of Power, your deity form will start looking more like the beasts you have killed.

There are rules Demigods must follow (both good and evil can break or follow these rules). Number one is not to show a human your deity form, and that's punishable by death. Other rules, such as use your powers sparingly and never in the eyes of mortals, don't drastically change your environment without permission, and more, are punishable in other means. Breaking rules sends out Demigod Centurions after you, who are immensely powerful and camouflaged to mortal eyes, allowing them to fly around and screw you up bad. Killing them does grant great rewards though, if you're up for it.

Like in many like games, military and police will be after you if you start destroying the city. However, a good deity can actually be like a superhero, and this will make military help you in battle with Beasts of Power and other Demigods (evil gets a mob like thing instead of military)

Beasts of Power are usually dormant, but because of certain disturbances, they have awoken and are causing chaos all over the city. From Ifrits to Golems to even a Hydra, these beasts have immense power, but if killed, you can absorb their power to use as your own (Ifrits give you increased fire magic, Golem gives increased earth magic and armor, hydra increases regeneration of health in and out of combat, ect.)

The final battle would be with whichever alignment you didn't choose of a counter type (Choosing Necromancer would make you face an Angel of Death, a God of Holy Vengeance would face a God of Bloodlust, ect.)

How do you guy's like this idea? Any ideas for Beasts of Power, types of deitys, or more? Please comment below.

Also, a list of types of deity's I have so far:

Type Good Evil

Life Soul Warden Necromancer
Death Angel of Death Reaper
Hate Holy Vengance Revenge
Love Romance (like Cupid) Lust
Disease ? (preferably a curer of disease) Pestilence
Order Judgement Chaos
Night Dream Weaver Nightmare
Health Cleric Parasite