

Well-Known Member
For anyone that needs awesome walkthroughs, with live commentary, check out MajorSlackVideos on YouTube. He has awesome walkthroughs for Crysis, Bioshock, Farcry 2, Dead Space, Resident Evil 4, and currently working on Dead Space 2.. There are more as well as some playthroughs. So Enjoy :)


PS: This isn't meant to be advertising ;)

Not like advertising, but more like referring the less good gamers to someone who knows what he's doing.. And plus, I know that lots of gamers when they do something in a game, they always ask themselves, "how can this part be done more efficiently?".. Or something like that..

Not like advertising, but more like referring the less good gamers to someone who knows what he's doing.. And plus, I know that lots of gamers when they do something in a game, they always ask themselves, "how can this part be done more efficiently?".. Or something like that..
I'm kidding. Y'know. Jokes? You have heard of them? :freshprince:
