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Water Elevators?


New Member
Are we allowed to build water elevators in our houses? Not the direct current ones where you have to swim, but the ones where you walk in the corner and go up. The wiki says no single column buildings, but these aren't exactly single column "buildings"...
You are allowed, as long as you do not brake any other rules. Like breaking into other buildings/changing them. Make sure you add water (2-3 blocks) to lower part if its in public (OL for example) so if anyone falls there dont die instantly.
That rule about single column tower is more about placing blocks directly under yourself to move up - and such towers are hard to delete and look unnatural as building.
Water elevators cause the server to register movement errors, similar to fly and speed hacks. You may be banned without warning for making and using one.
Tests, and the fact that the server can't distinguish between fly hacks (where you don't have any logical support holding you off the ground) and water elevators (where you don't have any logical support holding you off the ground). It also can't tell the difference between speed hacks (where you move beyond what is normally capable for non-vehicular movement) and moving up a water elevator (where you move beyond what is normally capable for non-vehicular movement).