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What do you like to base your buildings on?


I mostly like to base my work on nature on my last creation which promo'd me to builder had alot of bush blocks in them.@_o:thumbsup:
I like to base them on...


I always try to make whatever I'm building much better than last time I tried building it. (If I ever did. If not, just as big and cool as possible. x3)
Personally what I base my builds off of always depends on what area I'm in..... If I'm playing in a forest/jungle biome I tend to build Mayan/Aztec style architecture, snow biomes I generally tend to build Viking style architecture.. Plains or mountain biomes I'll usually stick to Medieval castles/towns. Swamps I usually don't go too crazy with.. Mainly just cause I really haven't had too much inspiration to build a swamp town yet :eek:

That's my favorite part about Minecraft.. there is always something new to try no matter what :3
I always base me buildings off of... Medivial structures... *cough* Lord of the Rings *cough* because... They are fackin' legendary and I just am fascinated by the whole... Towers and Gates thing... :D
I base mine off my...
