What happened in September? (Fan Fic Written by me)


Well-Known Member
This Fan Fic is based off this song:

If you listen to it enough you hear some references. ;)

As I awoke from my sleep and looked around. I was not familiar with my location, or where the hell I was. I was in some type of chamber like casing. I see a tint of light glinting through a panel, as I move towards it some ash blows through some cracks in the window. As the sunlight rose and glinted through the ash covered window panel I began to see my surroundings more clearly, I was in some type of machine, some type of protective pod like structure.

I touched the window panel and it broke into pieces, I walked out of the pod to notice I was standing in a tremendous crater. I then thought to myself to remember how the fuck I got here, but thats just it, I cant remember anything, Who am I? Where am I? The fuck am I? The fuck happened?! I cant remember anything, except for some reason the month September kept popping up in my head. Over and over, I guess it is..or was September. Well, I cant remember what happened in September, I mean everything is just gone, its dark, its getting cold and I'm all alone.

I looked around and managed to move my little hooves up and crawled my way out of the crater, once I got up I saw nothing but a barren wasteland, just nothing. I looked around and kept looking and after awhile I started to lose a bit of sanity, screaming out every so often " WHERE THE HELL IS EVERYPONY!?!". I mean I just wanna know what happened.

I was beginning to go insane when I saw a shady figure on the horizon. It was not moving nor was it standing, I ran over to find a pony......half...of a pony....
I was shocked and almost lost my lunch. What happened? I looked at the poor pony's cutie mark to see a Lyre, poor pony...
I sadly with a bad feeling, moved along and left the poor pony, and I saw a small hill that had been obstructing my gaze of sight for quite a while, I made it to the top to find the most horrifying sight of my life. There we're so many of them...all dead...all with burn marks, missing limbs and simply just bones..all pony's....all dead.

I ran away from the horrible sight and as I did I began hear a evil maniacal laughing coming from the inside of my brain, I closed my eyes to see a image..a very blurry image, it seemed to be a pony leaning over some type of button, and many pony's running at him, almost to stop him from something. As I was about to see a face my stomach grumbled, I had totally forgotten that I had to eat, or when I had eaten.

I began to search for food, as I did so it started to turn night, I had to find a shelter. Fast. I ran past some obstructing mounds of dirt to find a old abandoned shack next to a obscured but defined road. I made my way into the shack to find a pony in bed, burned to death. However I was grateful enough to find grass and water in there fridge. I then collapsed on the floor and passed out.

I woke up hours later to daylight, and the smell of rotting flesh. I now have to find a reason to this all happening. Or is there any reason? I walked outside to see something hanging on a tree, it seemed to be a cloak, no, a professor cloak. I tried on and it fit perfectly...a bit to perfect...Then something hit me, I don't know who I am but I know something that does know! I turned to look at my flank to see my cutie mark, and to my shock and a bit of horror, my cutie mark was an explosion.

Just as this happened my eyes were almost forcing to close and I was hearing numerous sounds in the back of my head, I subdued and closed my eyes, I saw the same image and only to see a man manically laughing.
"Finally...Finally its done! Its finally done!!! MUAHAHAHA!" and just as this evil maniacal figure was laughing another pony flew towards him screaming in the distance "stop hes trying to kill us all! STOP HIM!" The evil figure then turned and yelled "NO!, no.. I'm going to save you! I'm going to save you all! Don't you all try and stop me!".

I then saw the figure turn towards the stand that had the button on it and it stepped into the light, only to see a face.....it was me....I began to remember more and I didn't wanna keep watching but my eyes wouldn't open. I just had to keep watching, I had to see what I was about to do. I began to watch myself proceed with my own evil twisted plans. "this is your redemption day everypony! GO AWAY FROM ME! Stay away from me!" I twisted a nob and rose up on a platform with the stand and the button with a oddly familiar chamber like pod attached to the button.

"YOU CANT TOUCH ME NOW!!! YOU SEE THIS BUTTON!! I'M GONNA PRESS IT!!!" As I turned a bunch of nobs and switches a giant bomb, it just simply massive, began to arise from the ground. Me standing there, in my cloak, laughing manically as I was about to destroy the world. As I pressed the button I jumped into the pod and a giant explosion, such magnitude, such power, destroying and vaporizing everything in its path, and the pod I was in went flying in the air and landed, upside down.

My eyes opened, I stood up, looked around, and screamed"I'M THE ONE WHO KILLED THEM ALL! I SURVIVED AFTER THE FALL!!!"

Written by me. Hope you like it. :)