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What happened to Survival?


Well-Known Member
Team 9000's Survival Server. I've spent over a year and a half on this server now, and I've enjoyed a lot of it. However, since 1.7, the server has crashed like a kamikaze into an ocean of mediocrity. Now, there are many factors that are to blame for this, and each and every problem has helped nail the lid onto the tomb this server is dead in. Now, Survival could be resurrected any day, restored to the glory of it's pre-1.7 self. But as of now......it just isn't fun to play on Survival anymore.

Where to start.......the apathy, not just from the administrators, but from many of the people that were fun to play with. Back in the day, you could log in and nine times out of 10, shenanigans would ensue. A lot of cool and fun to play with people would usually be on at one time. Any time an asshole would log in and spam up the chat box or....well......be an asshole, either Woot or Ozy (who used to actually play Minecraft, not just log in and go AFK, or more recently, not play at all due to a road trip) would ban them on the spot. Now the ban request section can pile on and receive no attention for months! I can understand that Minecraft gets old, but it seems like NOBODY is on anymore. I usually log on, wander in circles or gather supplies for the Cydonian Empire, and log off. There are still some active vets working on WorldHub, but other than that, all the active players are a part of the HORRIBLE new generation of Team 9000 players (not all the new players are bad, but the vast majority are randoms who do not even have an account on the Team 9000 website). The reason I play multiplayer is to have fun with OTHER PEOPLE, and as of now, all the OTHER PEOPLE have lost interest.

When there ARE other people though, they are generally all separated, because even with the replacement of Towny, Team 9000 has split into many different factions. I personally cannot stand it. People don't trust people outside of their small faction, and it has REALLY shown. I see it first hand nearly every time I do an episode of Cities of the Server. While some cities aren't reclusive, the vast majority of the cities in the last world did not trust me at all. Many more episodes could have happened, had I had permission to go into the front gates of the cities I was interested in. People don't consider themselves a part of Team 9000, they consider themselves a part of their faction. I can understand not trusting some new player or a complete stranger, but when an active member of the community just wants to have a look around your town and learn about it, and you are wary of him just because he is not in your faction, that is where I draw the line. There have always been factions in Team 9000. Back in the pre-1.7 worlds we had the Cydonian Empire, Squad 9001, the MCC, etc. However, factions like these were massive and were not reclusive, making the community as a whole much more united. The griefers, non-griefers that were just morons, and annoying underage players were still left to rot though. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case.

Griefers, COMPLETE FUCKING IDIOTS, and underage children make up the VAST MAJORITY of the new generation of players. What the fuck happened? As mentioned earlier, these people are NOT fun to play with, and I have a strong hatred for them. "y cant i build?". That question nearly drove me fucking insane in the last world. I know, everyone starts out a noob, and I myself was pretty uninformed when I first joined Team 9000. However, I quickly figured things out. These people who join are just stupid! I cannot stress that enough! The vast majority of them are underage! I mean, where did all the cool new people go? Now, not all of the new players have sucked, and a select few have become well known members of this community, but the vast majority are 7 year olds. The new generation sucks.

You know what else sucks? The progress on the new world. At this point on the 1.0 world, most of the great towns had been established, and were constantly becoming more and more what we remember today. The last world.....well.....felt like the WORLD of Team 9000! It was big! It was filled with activity! Even the seed was great, with the massive ocean to the south and to the far east, the peninsula to the west, and the massive chunk of multi-biome land in the center. This world is puny, the seed is boring, and most of the towns are nothing but underdeveloped CONSTRUCTION SITES! What is with the absurdly slow progress?

Not only is the progress on the world slow, but the time it takes to fix a game breaking glitch on Survival is unacceptable! Remember the massive OxyTown griefing that took place during PAX? Yeah, that was probably the second worst hacking incident in Team 9000 history, and that was fixed in due time. But what about all the crashing from Orebfuscator (or whatever that glitchy plugin was called)? Weeks went by and nothing was done! How about the destruction of the 1.0 world? Why the fuck was there no backup? On top of that, all anyone could do during that whole debacle was sit on Mumble and do nothing but attempt to DDoS the hackers! Could NOBODY, not even Ozy or Tofurkey, contact Wooty? I mean, I know that whole mess was so sudden and probably was not something the admins saw coming, but still, hundreds of hours of work was gone in a matter of about 2-3 hours. The amount of time it takes for things to get done around here has gotten ridiculous, and yes, I know a lot of it has to do with Woot's road trip. I'm hoping things will get better once Woot returns.

With all the great games around right now, it would make no sense to spend every waking minute playing Minecraft, however, our server has really gone downhill over the last year.

With almost no truly remarkable memories over the last year, it is no wonder the next episode of Cities of the Server/Past will be on HoboTown, since that was pretty much the climax of Survival in my eyes.
If it is on servers of the past you could still do one on S9k1 :eek:

Also, the faction itself wasn't very big, but we had big ambitions and built equally big, usually putting in more time than we could spare lol.
I support the views expressed in this blog.
I would also like to know if the 1.0 world will be put up for download at some point even if it is the griefed version. The grief was not actually that widespread apart from spawn, most of the major cities were untouched. There are many designs and memories held within that world and I think it would be a shame and a failure if that 'heritage', if I may call it, was lost.
My survival story: log on, fall into a hole while trying to avoid a different one, log out.

I also agree, although I haven't been here as long, survival is dull and boring. On the rare occasions that I don't fall in holes, I usually wander around mindlessly. Collecting random crap, then log out.
And this is why I still say that Alpha was the golden days of T9k Survival, there were no petty rivalries and most of the new players weren't complete idiots. This blog details the reasons I barely play survival anymore, everything is overcomplicated and systems like towny were pointless imo, the system we used on alpha worked amazingly well and I have no idea why we changed from it, my personal opinions aside, a good read.
@skryter . I'd say bring back the whitelist and add a couple of moderators (with limited powers) to oversee grief, but that means that woooooottttyyy has to doooooo something.
I'm one of the players who do not play on the server anymore.
The reason: After my holiday in Turkey, the server has changed to the one people play on now. I have been working on a huge project for quite a long while by my own and searched for people from time to time to help me out, but only got a view times an answer, but never really any help, but that wasnt actually bad, I still enjoyed it, and when I finally got some friends to help me out and the projet started to work out as planned all has been gone. The new system to mine and build were too annoying for us to start over again. You log in, walk to the mine world, walk back to the building world where you first have to claim a place before you can even start building, and things you'd need for mining you'd have always to get from the building world in fear of griefing (for example food). No that was too much for us, so we keep waiting for the time a server restart with a world and system like the old one return. We had many ideas during the holiday for our project and new ones, but we won't do something without a nice server, so we just play something else like BF3 instead.
I didn't see any reason to make a thread about my personal issues with the new server, since only my personal friends helped me out with my project and didn't have much contact with other players, except someone had problems nearby like starving to death XD, hell yeah, drowning people with my bread XD

So well, now that there is a blog about something like this I just felt like leaving my opinion on this too.
@Ustulo I wouldn't blame ALL of YouTube, things were all good when it was just Seananners and X playing Minecraft.

Yogscast was the reason that kids who said "EEEEEWWWW BAD GRAPHICS" at first bought the game.
anybody else remember the 1.5 world with the public skybridge that whenever it got griefed the community would fix it? i miss those days, the good old 1.5 no towny days where u had to go far away to be safe, it was fun and challenging, i even remember the rooms made out of furnaces so nobody would enter. i wish we could bring that back :(
The SkyWay was ugly as hell, and Wooty has prohibited them now for that exact reason. If you wanted to get around in the 1.6.6 world, you used Feone/Number_J's railroad which went all the way around the Outlands to many destinations. What used to be an hour walk became a 10 minute train ride.
Here's the thing: If you're bored of Minecraft, you are doing it wrong. Tried the alternatives to make it fun? Don't bitch about it and move on to a different game. This is no better than all those "wipe teh servur!" threads we kept getting. Don't like some of the people? Don't talk to them. Ignore them. Kick them out of your town, do something about it. Also, Woot is currently traveling around the US to visit places he's never been before and to see some members from T9k. He has a life. You can't expect him to drop his vacation to fix the server.

tl;dr: It's a game. Move on if you're sick of it.
@thexraptor i never really used number_j's railroad because i was in it once and she kicked me out, so i was forced to use the skyway
@Chiba I understand, Woot is on vacation, as mentioned above. I just think that it wasn't very fair to the community to leave their ship without a captain.

I don't have any problems with Minecraft, it is one of my favorite games. The thing is, the current state of the Survival server is....well.....not too good.
Interesting read... Not too excited about it though. I mean there is only so much that minecraft has to offer as a sandbox game that it truly is, yes it has a bit more now and then added for detail but the game is plain and simple: Survive and build limitless designs... I find it to be a relaxing game to login to from time to time and continue to support projects within my town, but ultimately it is pretty hard to get people excited about projects when simply put, this is a simple "lego" game. Needless to say it is exciting to see the builds that others produce and I've enjoyed taking a role to structure a town accordingly.

Anyways I really am unimpressed by your assumption that things were not being done during the recent hacker incident, I myself personally called Woot and left a message for him of the events that were taking place at the time he was sleeping due to his travels, but when he heard of the situation he acted ASAP to get things under control. He explained the backup issue and all other problems that others were inquiring about in previous blogs/threads. Honestly he has put a lot of time into T9K, more then any of us will really know the full extent while maintaining a college schedule and that is something that should be respected.

But yea, survival will have it's ups and downs until Woot has time to sort it out properly, til then it's best to take everything with a "grain of salt" and learn the meaning of patience, as you can see he is still even devoting time to survival while on vacation...


P.S. I hope that we weren't one of the towns that you felt was "faction"esque as we try to maintain an open visit/explore policy to anyone wanting to check out the town. :) And I mean no disrespect to your views, it's just T9K is much much MUCH bigger then people realize, as Woot has said several times, it's not just a gaming community.
@Hawke "woooooottttyyy has to doooooo something": HAHAHAHA. That is hilarious. Lol. <3 wooty.

@Bored I also left a message on his phone. I think mine was the one that got him to notice the issue :p

@Xraptor I also hope you do not think of shroomville being one of the "faction"esque towns. We were open to everyone.

@Everyone Does anyone know if there i a copy of the 1.0 world anywhere or if it will be uploaded anywhere?
I'm not going to read through all the comments and see what people have said about this blog, as I personally don't care. Here's what I have to say about it.

1. Wooty has a life, he's allowed to live it. Just as everyone here in Team9000 has their own lives. T9K may be a big part of everyone's lives, but it isn't the only thing. Especially for those of us who have to work, or have new babies. Things take premise over Team9000 and Minecraft, alike.

2. Fuck Minecraft! It isn't fun anymore! This new map blows, I despise the look of it, the idea of different worlds for different uses, and the new living arrangements. I refuse to play on our server until we get a new/better map. One more like the last one. If it never happens, so be it. For those of you who like this world, all the power to you.
~ So everyone knows, I'm not asking for a wipe, I don't care about it. I just won't be joining anyone's towns and playing.

3. Quit'cha bitchin'. If you are sick of it, too. Do what I do. Play by yourself, or host a small server every now and then for you and your close friends. Other than that, just enjoy your time in your own "faction".