What is this thing?


Well-Known Member
Basically I just want to know what is this and what's the deal with it.

I know it's an ancient Chinese coin, and I've seen people carrying these around, although I have no clue what it represents...
In case you're wondering where I got it, I found it while cleaning up the store, in the little bag and everything, since then I's just been lying around my bag...
You have a Cash.

They were used as currency in China (un-officially) until the mid 1900's.

I think they're like put on necklaces now-a-days for good luck.
White on the inside? Colored on both sides? Words or anything?
Colored on both sides, with some Chinese letters on it, although now that i actually took it out, it's folded to form a little pocket of sorts, so I'm guessing the coin was in there at 1st, or is maybe meant to be given as a gift with the little paper pocket.
those sort of coins are sometimes used in charms of Luck in finances or luck in general. Japan has a thing with those too, i still have my little trinket from an exchange student i received in 4th grade. Kinda looks like this:

the knotwork on my charm was so old and tattered from being a keychain that I had to look up how to make a new one.