What's this? A nostolgia thread?


Indeed it is. We have a call of duty, everyone (no pun intended), and that is to make the largest list of old nostolgic games as possible.

I will start:

1) Killer Instinct (SNES)
2) Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
3) Banjo-Kazooie (N64)
4) Mario Kart (SNES & N64)
5) Super Mario Bros. (NES)
6) The Need For Speed (Playstation)
Goldeneye (N64)
Super Mario 64(Duh)
Super Mario World(SNES)
Killer Instinct Gold(N64)
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time(N64)

Those were my most played and I have many memories of them.
Super Mario Brothers... First and only game I ever played all the way until I was 7. I miss my NES...
Star Fox (and 64)
Metal Gear Solid(s)
San Francisco Rush 2049 (N64, rare game nowadays)
Link's Awakening
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Cross
Super Mario RPG
F-1 Race (Gameboy)
1. Super Mario 64 (N64
2. Toy Story 2 (N64)
3. the Legend of Zelda series in general (especially ocarina)
4. Mario kart 64 (n64)
5. Duke Nukem (N64)

and this isn't /b/ my friend. lol =)
because its the best/was around when most of us grew up. i didn't even play anything other than N64 and PS1 till 2004. lol
Yeah, not only was the N64 one of the first of it's kind to use 3D graphics, but it used them the best. Pretty much the same story with me after that, got a PS2 aroud '04, and presently got the Wii and other consoles.
Nostalgia? Pretty much none, because when I go back to play them I realize how bad they really are. But that's ok, things progress, and the games I play now will soon suck completely.
Yeah, not only was the N64 one of the first of it's kind to use 3D graphics, but it used them the best. Pretty much the same story with me after that, got a PS2 aroud '04, and presently got the Wii and other consoles.

yeah i got my gamecube the same year, then got a PS3 in 06
My favorites include:
1. LoZ MM
2. Sonic(s) (GENISIS) IDK if I spelled that right..
3.Fire Emblem (GBA)
4. Super Metriod(SNES)
5. Big Sky Trooper (NES)
6. Pokemon (GB)
7. MegaMan (GB)

There are probably lots more I love but forgot..
well im only 15 so ill put down what i played when i was like 4 or 7
1. Sega Genesis
2. Sega Dreamcast
3. Playstation
Favorite games
1. Sonic the headhog 2 (Genesis)
2. Powerstone 2 (Dreamcast)
3. Sonic Adventure (Dreamcast)
4. Comix Zone (Genesis)
5. Streets of Rage (genesis)

All from back when i was like 4 except for powerstone.
i was not fortunate enough to have an n64 :'(
My favorites include:
1. LoZ MM
2. Sonic(s) (GENISIS) IDK if I spelled that right..
3.Fire Emblem (GBA)
4. Super Metriod(SNES)
5. Big Sky Trooper (NES)
6. Pokemon (GB)
7. MegaMan (GB)

There are probably lots more I love but forgot..
ugh. i hated the time limit in MM. kinda ruined the game for me
ugh. i hated the time limit in MM. kinda ruined the game for me
Actually, I thought the time limit system was a good idea. But it was kind of annoying if you didn't know The Song of Inverted Time. And getting all of the masks was pretty fun too, the Fierce Deity mask was epic.
yeah. but if your still new to zelda (i was at the time, not anymore. ive beaten MM twice now) it wasn't enough.
Pokemon Snap was definetly the best N64 game, next to Perfect Dark and Super Smash Bros.
Also, beat Paper Mario around 3 or 4 times, and was fun every time.