Which game should i get tomorrow?

Which game? MW3 BF3 Halo Combat Evolved: Anniversary or Skyrim?
Battlefield 3 - if you play for strategy
Mw3 - if you dont give a flying fuck
Skyrim - if you wanna ride a horse upside underwater in a volcano in a dragons stomach jumping on another dragon while being burned alive but take no damage.
Halo Combat Evolved - If you want the most nostalgic moments you will ever have in your life.
rsmv2you said:
Battlefield 3 - if you play for strategy
Mw3 - if you dont give a flying fuck
Skyrim - if you wanna ride a horse upside underwater in a volcano in a dragons stomach jumping on another dragon while being burned alive but take no damage.
Halo Combat Evolved - If you want the most nostalgic moments you will ever have in your life.

Still doesn't help lol
Got skyrim :D
I liek skyrim, joo geht to keel dragunz with a big swordz and then get a big bow n arrouw and keel more dragunz and kill peopuhl and then take all ohf their cloths and weapuns and keel more dragunz and then keel wolves (hey, they attack me first, so I have to kill them)