Why I don't go on Facebook much.


Well-Known Member
(Big pictures incoming)








People my age. sigh
P.S. I'm not attacking anyone here for using Facebook, I am simply poking fun here.
Facebook activity has drastically decreased, at least from the quality posters. Now it constantly updates me on like 5 people I don't give a shit about, and it does other really weird, disorganized stuff that has made using Facebook a nuisance.
all i see are mafia wars notifications D: why did i ever join that thing
Same here, but recently I blocked it so, that's all cool.

Also, If I see a post like that, I delete the person from my friends.

I see it as a way to phase though my friends list, now it's mainly just posts from a Facebook Brony page and the people I have friended there..
I stay on facebook to keep in touch with people. It's an awesome networking tool. Apparently my in-laws really like my status updates, too, which makes me feel good, but a little creeped out at the same time.
Currently in the process of *HOPEFULLY* getting a job through someone I am friends with on facebook. We would have lost touch otherwise, so I'm happy about it. Though, to be honest I think I'm also friends with him on linkedin.
Yeah I have debated removing my Facebook cause I'm tired of seeing some of the statuses my friends post BUT it's one of the easiest way to keep in touch with my family without having to call them with awkward conversations :P

#1 reason I have facebook.