why no-one uses pencils/pencil crayons anymore


Active Member
here you post what you hate about pencils/pencil crayons

for me it would be the fact that when you have a black pencil it ALWAYS breaks when
you sharpen it, and when it finally doesn't break you find it's too short to use
I personally prefer them to do any kind of art shenanigans I feel froggy enough to do. Sounds to me like you're too violent with your supplies. Try being a little easier on it.
I like a good pencil to sketch/doodle as opposed to anything; i'm all for colour, but i never colour in my own drawings. Never liked them coloured in tbh. Probably because i never could stay within the lines. But for any colouring i do, i prefer coloured pencils.
regular pencils for scetches is a yay for me, however coloured pencils is pretty much the bane of my existance, I can never get the vibrant colours I want and they take tons of effort. not sure about dem pencil crayons.

I fucking love this shizzle here (expensive as fuuuuuk though)
regular pencils for scetches is a yay for me, however coloured pencils is pretty much the bane of my existance, I can never get the vibrant colours I want and they take tons of effort. not sure about dem pencil crayons.

I fucking love this shizzle here (expensive as fuuuuuk though)

duuuude, what do you think about copic markers? they go for like $7 a pop each.
Only cool rich kids use coptic. There's always photoshoop to color, and someone else's printer.

Oh wait, you'll also need a drawing tablet. And free youtube videos.
Can't draw without seeing my pen. also the effort of retracing in photoshop isn't for me D:

duuuude, what do you think about copic markers? they go for like $7 a pop each.
haven't used them, but from what I can tell, essentially the same thing as the one's I posted
I always just drew with a pencil because they seem to never be the target of my cat's catnip induced pen dirtying and demolishing agenda.

And by pen dirtying I mean stealing pens then rolling them in used cat litter. Then comes the demolishing part....
My two year old LOVES crayons. He likes drawing people he knows. It all looks like squiggles, but I love every one of his drawings. Best things ever.
here you post what you hate about pencils/pencil crayons

for me it would be the fact that when you have a black pencil it ALWAYS breaks when
you sharpen it, and when it finally doesn't break you find it's too short to use
This might be the most mundane thread ever made. Well done, sir.