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WoM isn't connecting to any server


Ever since m Windows updated, my WoM stopped working. I have the right Java and things. It isn't blocked. I can only log in and select a server and it will come up, but not load. It will just say "Team9000 (freebuild, Sprites) read /rules +hax" but the usual green bar meaning loading isn't moving or is stuck at 5%. It will say Java had error when i close it. I redownlaoded. It might have something to do with deleting screenshots.
Ever since m Windows updated, my WoM stopped working. I have the right Java and things. It isn't blocked. I can only log in and select a server and it will come up, but not load. It will just say "Team9000 (freebuild, Sprites) read /rules +hax" but the usual green bar meaning loading isn't moving or is stuck at 5%. It will say Java had error when i close it. I redownlaoded. It might have something to do with deleting screenshots.
That's happening for everyone right now.
Is worldofminecraft.com down?
This, I believe, may be correct. Every time I try to use their site I've gotten a 502 and a 503 error. This is from their server side from what I can tell, at least with the 503. Unsure about the 502. Considering everything else works fine. I would assume it's probably this. Though don't hold me to that. I may be incorrect.