World of Tanks thread.


Well-Known Member
Hey there, i just got world of tanks! (actually it's doing it's preliminary update thing right now.)

This thread is for discussing World of tanks, people who play it, strategies, etc.

right now i just have some quick questions for any and all t9k'ers who play it:

1) How long does the initial update download thing take?

2) any quick tips you can throw to a rookie?

3) Best tanks? (like, US Made, Russian made, etc.)

4) any general info i should be aware of?

thanks so much in advance!
Alright, in order:

1: No Idea.

2: I'm probably more of a newb then someone who doesn't own a computer... And I've had the game for a year.

3: Depends. Germans have one-shotting OP Tank Destroyers, French tanks Zoom-Zoom, and other stuff. Each one has it's own playstyle.

4: Beware of the hills. Hills are douchebags.
Alright, in order:

1: No Idea.

2: I'm probably more of a newb then someone who doesn't own a computer... And I've had the game for a year.

3: Depends. Germans have one-shotting OP Tank Destroyers, French tanks Zoom-Zoom, and other stuff. Each one has it's own playstyle.

4: Beware of the hills. Hills are douchebags.

Alroit, sweet. watchin some gameplay of it now. I can tell i'll be heavy using Russian/german/american tanks. and Self propelled guns.
1) How long does the initial update download thing take? I don't remember. Its been so long since I've actually installed the game.

2) any quick tips you can throw to a rookie? Have fun! Don't take things personally. Its more fun if you battle with friends. Also, mid tier tanks seem to make the most money.

3) Best tanks? (like, US Made, Russian made, etc.) I went Russian all the way. RUSSIA!

4) any general info i should be aware of? Sometimes your team...will not understand what teamwork is. Better if you take someone you know with you so at least you have someone watching your back. Oh fun fact, depending on the tank you use you can push other tanks. Unless they changed this.
1) How long does the initial update download thing take? I don't remember. Its been so long since I've actually installed the game.

2) any quick tips you can throw to a rookie? Have fun! Don't take things personally. Its more fun if you battle with friends. Also, mid tier tanks seem to make the most money.

3) Best tanks? (like, US Made, Russian made, etc.) I went Russian all the way. RUSSIA!

4) any general info i should be aware of? Sometimes your team...will not understand what teamwork is. Better if you take someone you know with you so at least you have someone watching your back. Oh fun fact, depending on the tank you use you can push other tanks. Unless they changed this.

How are you able to play with friends? I want to play with fellow t9k'ers, and hopefully make it a game night, but like, how to t9k plz.
How are you able to play with friends? I want to play with fellow t9k'ers, and hopefully make it a game night, but like, how to t9k plz.
I don't think you can make it a game night. I think you can only have one other person. They're call platoons I think...if I remember correctly. I don't remember exactly. Its been a while since I played the game. I think you can just click on their name and invite them in and then you can do battles together from there.
How are you able to play with friends? I want to play with fellow t9k'ers, and hopefully make it a game night, but like, how to t9k plz.
You can create a platoon, I could hop on right now if you'd like. Are you on mumbalz?

Edit: Ninja'd by Coul.

You can create a platoon, I could hop on right now if you'd like. Are you on mumbalz?

Edit: Ninja'd by Coul.


Oh hey, if you have a paid account or whatever you can have up to three. I don't suggest that though. And there is a way you can have a ton of people. Just remembered, I forget what its called but you can have friends fight against friends and be on teams. So you could probably do a game night if you had enough people in on it.

You could probably add me if you want on there. I am willing to play with anyone!

Oh hey, if you have a paid account or whatever you can have up to three. I don't suggest that though. And there is a way you can have a ton of people. Just remembered, I forget what its called but you can have friends fight against friends and be on teams. So you could probably do a game night if you had enough people in on it.
I'm fairly certain they updated platoons, not sure the new max, but I was in one with 2 other people.
None of us had premium.

Because premium is like tossing money into an incinerator.
I'm fairly certain they updated platoons, not sure the new max, but I was in one with 2 other people.
None of us had premium.

Because premium is like tossing money into an incinerator.
Yeah pretty much. Like I said, it has been a while since I've played. That's awesome though that you can have 3 total people in a group, if that is legit.
1) How long does the initial update download thing take? It takes about 6 hours for me, because I have the smallest internet speed ever. Its about 2gb I think.

2) any quick tips you can throw to a rookie? Keep on your lower class tanks until you have enough experience to move up. Once you reach Tier II or III, then you start getting matched with Tier V & VI and you WILL get destroyed.

3) Best tanks? (like, US Made, Russian made, etc.) Depends on your interests. Each country has their own tank types. I personally prefer to use German tank destroyers.

4) any general info i should be aware of? I'll redownload it and we can play =D. On the side when your starting a match and there is the list of tanks, try to find yours and place yourself in the lineup (rankwise) so you can know which tanks you can or can't beat when starting the game. Remember its about damage done, not kills.
Once you reach Tier II or III, then you start getting matched with Tier V & VI and you WILL get destroyed.
Remember its about damage done, not kills.
If you're luck and on a 3 depending on what type it is you can get stuck with like tiers. I know in some of the the highest you'll ever get is 5s. Unless you're a scout or an SPG then you're always screwed with high tiers.

It depends on the tank. I think. In general though, yes more damage more points. Although you get need little things with point bonuses if you get award things.

Unless they changed things. Its been months since I played. I should probably see whats up sometime. This is one of the very, very few shooter games I actually love.
ok so, slight issue. game won't run. at all. won't even open.

Here's what happened;

1) waited 5-6 hours for Download
2) then waited for the installing of the update
3) got to log in screen of game, decided it was cool to exit it so i could catch some sleep and play in the morning
4) woke up, went to game, won't open/play.

it's something along the lines of the game can't be located/opened.

wat do?
That is odd. Maybe you messed up the Download when you didn't log in for the first time? I'm not sure. :/ I don't think I had that issue the first time I played.

I would say try redownloading it, but that would take you forever.
That is odd. Maybe you messed up the Download when you didn't log in for the first time? I'm not sure. :/ I don't think I had that issue the first time I played.

I would say try redownloading it, but that would take you forever.

yeah.:/ i'll mess with it i guess